Tag Archives: Valiant Living

Does Detox Center of Colorado Offer Neurofeedback?

Does Valiant Living Offer Neurofeedback?

Now that mental health and addiction is a mainstay in our culture, there are have been therapies that have been offered more readily. Neurofeedback is one of those innovative therapies that has created some breakthroughs in people’s lives that helped them tremendously with their struggles in addiction and in mental health which are beneficial in […]

Why Valiant Living is A Place to Start Living in Recovery 

Why Valiant Living is A Place to Start Living in Recovery 

We know how hard starting recovery can be for our clients. One of the main objectives we strive for at Valiant Living is to make coming into treatment not so frightening by keeping the intake and orientation process as easy as possible. Coming into a rehabilitation center can be nerve-racking especially to someone who is […]

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