Tips to Turn Over a New Leaf

Tips to Turn Over a New Leaf

The only thing you have to change when you get sober is everything. For some, this may seem impossible, but you can take this opportunity and make the most of what can happen with a little bit of willingness. Transformation in sobriety is not always easy, although it will be rewarding if you give yourself a chance to implement the changes that are necessary for your recovery. While you may feel overwhelmed with turning over a new leaf, here are a few tips to make the process a little bit easier.

Identify the Changes

Obviously, you need to stop drinking or using drugs. What you need to know is there is more that needs to take place in order to stay sober besides just stopping drinking and using. Do you need to stop hanging out with bad influences? Are the places you are going conducive to your recovery? Are character flaws still making your relationships difficult? How many recovery meetings do you need to attend per week? There are many different aspects to look at to clarify what changes need to be made.

Get a Starting Point

If tomorrow is always your go-to answer, tomorrow may never come. You can choose right now at this very moment, which is the best way to make changes or get a specific date and time if you need some preparations. The point is to begin as soon as possible because the more you procrastinate changing, the more apt you may be talking yourself out of something good for you. Turning over a new leaf will take some time and effort, but will be worth it once you get started. Lockdown your starting point, and you will be more motivated to move forward.

Muster the Willingness

For anything to work, there must be some willingness to want to make the necessary alterations. This is not to say that you will always be gung-ho on what you are trying to accomplish. You will, however, need something to keep you going. Willingness is a powerful tool that will lead you to awareness about what your end result is.

Becoming willing allows you to understand what you need to be successful and what will help you get to that point. When you are doing something out of willingness, things will seemingly go better because no one is forcing you to do anything. You are choosing to be open-minded and receptive. Instead of fighting everyone and everything, you adapt to making changes in your recovery, so they will stick.

Find Some Support

Trying to make changes in your life will be best accompanied by others who are happy about what you are trying to attain regarding your sobriety. The great thing about recovery is there are tons of people who want to encourage you along the way.

A recovery program is based on unity, which gives you the ability to find people who will edify you, your recovery, and everything else you are working on in your life. Talking to your sponsor or your therapist will also give you another perspective to keep you on track. No one can say that the leaf you are turning over will be easily executed, but if you have people on your side to cheer you on, you will have a better chance of completion.

Keep Going

Yes, there may be times when you will want to give up. When things do not line up, you may start asking yourself why you are attempting all of this in the first place. Keep the perspective of no pain, no gain as a way to keep to the momentum moving forward. Inside of your goals is a success waiting to happen, so being patient will serve you well.

The changes you are making will be the story you get to share unless you surrender in your doubt. People who give up are people who are remembered for just that—giving up. You will want to be remembered as someone who keeps themselves accountable and suits up in their recovery, so keep moving onward.

Help Someone Else

One of the best ways to invigorate yourself is to help someone else who is less fortunate. Helping someone in need can give you some insight on how to accomplish your own goals. Seeing another person suffering can give you the motivation to finally do something that you aspire to effectuate because you see some hope. You have created enough pain in your addiction that you can use their present circumstances and your past circumstances together as a way to light the fire that you need to change.

If you want to make changes to remain sober, you will have to put some intention into what you are trying to achieve. Some people may make sobriety look effortless, but work is to be done to change the way you think and the way you behave. Taking away drugs and alcohol is the first step into a brand new world. Once you become sober, the sky’s the limit as to what you can do when you are recovering. Turning over a new leaf with your recovery is remarkable and will be worth all of your efforts.

The Detox Center of Colorado wants to allow you to turn over a new leaf by showing you how to become sober from drugs and alcohol. Offering a full range of recovery and mental health services, The Detox Center of Colorado offers “Expanded Recovery” to enrich our clients’ lives in mind, body, and spirit. Through evidence-based therapy options and the endless adventure of Colorado, The Detox Center of Colorado fosters connection. Call us today for more information at (303) 536-5463

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