Tips to Fundamentally Navigate Sobriety

Tips to Fundamentally Navigate Sobriety

When you were born, you had to learn how to do everything including breath, eat, walk, and everything else that is involved with becoming a functioning human being. Things that you may take for granted now as an adult, you discovered as a developing child such as throwing a ball, tying a shoelace, and writing your name. These were all learned behaviors that you now know like the back of your hand.

The same rings true with your recovery. You have to learn how to do things over again but this time without the use of drugs or alcohol. While this may seem terrifying to discover how to live sober, fundamentally navigating sobriety will help you build a foundation of which you can continue to build off to remain sober for years to come one day at a time. 


The rule of thumb in recovery is that the only thing you must change is everything. Being willing to make changes in your life is imperative for long-term sobriety. Hanging out with people who drink and use at places that offer drugs and alcohol is not a good idea. You will have to set boundaries in relationships that trigger your emotions so that you can stop having resentments and start living in the solution of your recovery. If you are unsure of what to change, ask your sponsor or your therapist to point you in the right direction. Change is not a bad thing and in fact, could be the defining piece of the puzzle to make everything in your life more balanced.


You will have a hard time staying sober if you are trying to go at it all alone. 12-Step programs offer an array of support for your every need. Meetings, literature, sponsorship, commitments, fellowship, and of course, the 12-Steps which are legendary in their approach to sobriety.  Discarding and discovering the parts of yourself that were hindered by your addiction is a wonderful process. You can begin to start setting up your life so you can remain sober and enjoy it without the mind-altering effects of drugs and alcohol.


Part of your recovery will also depend on what you are adding into your daily grind. Having a routine and adhering to it to the best of your ability is important. Not putting a plan into place could keep you from doing the right thing when you are feeling weak and vulnerable. Knowing your next indicated step can keep you focused on your journey of long-term sobriety. 

Navigating the fundamentals in your recovery is crucial if you want a chance of having the life of sobriety that you were meant to. Stay on course because recovery is absolutely the best solution to navigate in your life.

Offering a full range of recovery and mental health services, Detox Center of Colorado offers “Expanded Recovery” to enrich our clients’ lives in mind, body, and spirit. Through evidence-based therapy options and the endless adventure of Colorado, Detox Center of Colorado fosters connection, encouraging clients to get connected to themselves, their peers, their families, and their higher power. With the power of recovery, clients are restored to full health and experience life-changing healing. Call us today for more information: 303-536-5463

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