Why Does My Past Keep Coming Up?

As you are trudging the road of happy destiny living the sober life, you get stopped in your tracks as you hear about your past mistakes out the mouth of another. Up until this point everyone has been so supportive and encouraging, but this person, who does not seem mad at you, is stating unflattering stories about what you use to be like. Even though you have been there, done that, listening to them can make you feel embarrassed and get you down as you ponder will I ever be free of my past?

Depends on the person

Some people can just not let it go which is not your problem. Someone who keeps bringing up stuff you have made amends for is probably using your past against you because they are unhappy with themselves. If they can put you down for the sake of feeling better, you may need to either talk to them about how they are portraying you or distance yourself from them altogether. The people that know you, and know them, will be able to see through all the work you have done to get you where you are and continue to encourage your efforts. Letting people have power over your sobriety is a dangerous place to be. Keep working your program and use your recovery tools to get you through your resentments because relapse should not be an option to cope. You cannot change people, but you can change how you react, to add positivity to the situation. 

Depends on your emotional sobriety

You may find yourself furious with their unkind words, but you can work through this to your advantage. People who get sober may find that they are sensitive to what others think and have a great opportunity to work through this to help you grow into your emotional sobriety.  Staying sober, considerate, and helpful no matter what anyone says or does is important to stay committed to your recovery. Yes, you may have done those things that make you cringe to remember. Recognize the fact that you are focusing your efforts in a new direction of being the best version of yourself and most people see you as such, so own it. Everyone has skeletons in their closet, and you are blessed to have a program to help you work through them.

Your past will always be there, and you can use it to help others instead of feeling bad about what you have done. Eventually, your shame and guilt will become the foundation of your experience, strength, and hope to get you prepared for this very moment to understand you are beloved.

Offering a full range of recovery and mental health services, Detox Center of Colorado offers “Expanded Recovery” to enrich our clients’ lives in mind, body, and spirit. Through evidence-based therapy options and the endless adventure of Colorado, Detox Center of Colorado fosters connection, encouraging clients to get connected to themselves, their peers, their families, and their higher power. With the power of recovery, clients are restored to full health and experience life-changing healing. Call us today for more information: 303-536-5463

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