How to Get Organized in Recovery

How to Get Organized in Recovery

Addiction is full of chaos and lack of impulse control which can put life in disarray rather quickly. When you decide to finally get and stay sober, you may look around and see complete dishevelment in all areas of your life.

With the same one day at a time mentality that you take in your sobriety, you should implement the same perspective on how to reorganize your life in recovery:  one thing at a time.


Pick a Starting Point

To begin anything, you have to choose where the best place to start is. This is where most people get overwhelmed and are unable to motivate themselves to change because of their uncertainty.

The right answer is to start somewhere, anywhere; just do something. Chances are once you get past the starting line, you will gain clarity as to what you should be doing.


Decide What Is Important

You may need to write or type out a list to see what the most important tasks are to tackle first. Look at your recovery, your family, your job, or any other major commitments to see what the next indicated step is.

List out what needs to happen and you will have a much better chance to follow through and start a daily routine. Once you grasp what is important, the best thing you can do is to implement a routine and stick to it.


Plan for Tomorrow

Obviously, you need to stay within today to keep in line with recovery suggestions, but there is nothing wrong with being organized for another day. Write appointments and events on your calendar.

Lay your next day clothes out the night before. Pack your lunch or plan out your snacks. Make a to-do list to keep you on track.

The main thing to remember with planning is that you need to be able to adjust your sails when things do not go accordingly because life on life’s terms still happens.


Everyone will need organization in different ways although if you ask people in your recovery meetings how they were able to get their life together again, you can get some good ideas. Recovery is all about constantly improving your life. Adding more organization will enhance your recovery and make you feel settled in the path you are taking


Offering a full range of recovery and mental health services, Detox Center of Colorado offers “Expanded Recovery” to enrich our clients’ lives in mind, body, and spirit. Through evidence-based therapy options and the endless adventure of Colorado, Detox Center of Colorado fosters connection, encouraging clients to get connected to themselves, their peers, their families, and their higher power. With the power of recovery, clients are restored to full health and experience life-changing healing. 

Call us today to start your journey in sobriety at (303)-536-5463.

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