Tips to Saying “I Do” Sober


As your wedding gets closer, you may get anxious thinking about getting married without drugs and alcohol being part of the mix. Whether you are the bride or the groom, having cold feet is part of the normal process of getting married. You are starting a new chapter in your life that changes everything, even if you have been living together. Marriage is an institution that takes work to maintain, and you are embarking on another level of intimacy that you literally need a license for.

Once the happy day arrives, you could feel jittery and over the top with nervousness. Knowing that you are starting this relationship with a new title and new responsibilities is scary, but being the center of attention might be the most terrifying aspect of all. Rather than reaching for a drug or a drink to get you through, you can use some of these tips instead. Make your special day memorable by being present instead of blacked out or passed out.

Get Prepared Before The Day of the Wedding.

Many things have to be ready for the day of the wedding. You also need to plan for yourself to be prepared for the day of the wedding. Make sure you are writing or discussing your fears with a sponsor leading up to the day. Use mindfulness to help you practice clearing out your anxiousness so that on your wedding day, you will be able to use these techniques to calm down. Surround yourself with people who love you and make you laugh to release any pent up tension. Turning into Bridezilla or Groomzilla does not have to be part of your happily ever after if you prepare some measures to ease you into this union.

Stay Prepared on the Day of the Wedding.

If you are addicted to drugs and alcohol, maybe you should consider not serving alcohol at the reception. You may also want to avoid inviting your drug dealer to the wedding. That way, if you get urges to drink or use, you are doing what you can to minimize the risk of relapse. Being prepared for sobriety includes several strategies, especially on days that can be nerve-wracking like a wedding. Projecting for the day to be what you planned for, being around a host of loved ones, and trying to maintain your recovery is a lot to take on all at once. Remember that you can do anything sober, and getting married is no different.

Valiant Living loves to celebrate all life milestones in recovery because that is what being sober is all about. Through evidence-based therapy options and the endless adventure of Colorado, we foster connection. Clients are encouraged to connect with themselves, their peers, their families, and their higher power. With the power of recovery, clients are restored to full health and experience life-changing healing.
Call us today for more information: 303-536-5463

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