Why is a Homegroup so Important?

Why is a Homegroup so Important?

Recovery offers you a few different tools to help keep you sober for the long haul. One of the immediate suggestions is to find a homegroup to attend regularly. A homegroup is a recovery meeting that you frequent to become part of a group. Sustaining friendships and taking commitments are the aim of the homegroup because feeling a part of a group is an important aspect of staying sober. Here is what you will find for yourself once you discover your homegroup and get connected through your program.


Sticking to what you say you are going to do is vital to stay sober. The more you show up for your homegroup, the more you will be known. You will be asked to come again, which can make you feel wanted and needed. Becoming part of the group could mean taking on a commitment or feeling the sense of unity to greet newcomers like you once were. A homegroup will give you the instinct of ownership, so you can be a part of keeping the meeting going for years to come.


Although fellowship alone will not keep you sober, having friends in recovery based on the unity of sobriety is priceless. Motivation, inspiration, and having a sense of belonging can be what they are missing and help convince them to stay through working a program. Learning to have fun in sobriety is another crucial factor that can be found by fellowshipping with like-minded people in recovery.

Outside of meetings, try to attend sober birthday parties, find sober activities, go out to eat before or after the meeting, or chat on the phone. Recovery takes work, but you should also find ways to connect to recovery friends you meet in your homegroup.

You cannot beat becoming a member of a homegroup. Let yourself get known with people who are similar to you and can support your recovery. Attendance is extremely critical because without showing up first, you will never be able to go anywhere in your recovery. A homegroup gives you the motivation to suit up and show up in life, and allow you to be around people who want you to keep coming back—because you are worth it.

Valiant Living wants to show you the ins and outs of recovery so that you can get sober and stay sober. Offering a full range of recovery and mental health services, We offer “Expanded Recovery” to enrich our clients’ lives in mind, body, and spirit. With the power of recovery, clients are restored to full health and experience life-changing healing. Call us today for more information: 303-536-5463

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