Tips for Entering Treatment During a Pandemic

treatment during the pandemic

Entering treatment for addiction to alcohol and drugs can feel intimidating to anyone. You have questions about what the facility is like, how your treatment plan will proceed, and what to expect during an average day of treatment. Going somewhere during a pandemic can compound the fear factor, making it imperative that you know how the facility handles its responsibility to be COVID compliant. Compiling the information you need helps alleviate concerns and allows you to make an informed decision.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions

Taking charge of becoming sober is all about being responsible, and that responsibility begins with understanding how any treatment facility you are considering is handling the pandemic. Your rights as a potential patient include calling or emailing detoxification and other residential programs to determine their methods for being COVID compliant. Compile a list of questions to ask, such as what their upgraded cleaning regimens include, their policy for wearing masks, the number of patients they have, and what their social distancing policy includes.

When You Are Ready To Enter a Program

Once you have decided on a program, make sure you have all your ducks in a row before leaving home. The treatment center may ask for documentation proving that you tested negative for COVID-19 or that you have been vaccinated. Make sure you have the proper paperwork in your possession. That way, you can send it to them ahead of time or take it with you upon arrival.

While it’s natural to be wary of safety protocol outside your own home, many facilities, such as residential detoxification and addiction treatment facilities, are on top of the required measures to help keep their patients and staff safe. Communication with your program about their policies will help assuage your fears and assist in staying healthy.

COVID-19 has intimidated many people when it comes to trying to stay safe within their own homes and communities. Leaving their safe space to attend residential detox and treatment during a pandemic can leave a person feeling fragile. Arm yourself with information by contacting facilities to make the right choice for you. The Detox Center of Colorado is COVID-compliant and happy to explain our procedures to keep our patients and staff safe during this worrisome time. Call us today at (303) 952-5035 to find out more about our programs and how we can help.

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