Are You a Jay-Walker?

Are You a Jaywalker

Do yourself a favor and read the story of the jaywalker in the book, Alcoholics Anonymous, on pages 37-38. Whether you are suffering from addiction or supporting someone with an addiction, the jaywalker’s story gives a realistic depiction of what addictive behaviors entail. Sure, the description of the jaywalker may seem silly. However, if you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, you can relate to the story’s incredibly apt metaphor.

The jaywalker features a guy who, no matter how hard he tries, cannot stop jaywalking. Although he would like nothing more than to stop, his obsession with jaywalking gets him into trouble repeatedly. He physically hurts himself multiple times, harms meaningful relationships, endures ridicule, and turns a blind eye to the real problem in hopes of some instant gratification. So, what can you expect to glean from the jaywalker story?

Addiction is about denial.

No one really wants to stop the effects produced by drugs and alcohol. They just want to stop all the ramifications that come from being under the influence. The problem begins with the brain’s reward system becoming reliant upon the elusive effects of drugs and alcohol. Each time the obsession is fulfilled, denial follows, making the person believe there is no real problem.

Addiction is about insanity.

The story of the jaywalker perfectly illustrates the insanity of addiction – and it is insanity. Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is often cited as the very definition of insanity. An individual with an addiction may not necessarily need to be locked up in an insane asylum, of course. Still, when the obsession to drink or use drugs occurs, an addict is completely disconnected from reality. The urge to use entirely blots out the ability to think clearly.

Addiction is about ideation.

Trying to get the escape addiction is impossible to accomplish through self-will, alone. The brain is a complex organ that becomes compromised from the abundance of drugs and alcohol. What once mattered becomes secondary to chasing the addiction. Trying to stop cravings is not as easy as just blinking the eyes. Changing a person’s thought process takes a great deal of effort. Escaping the obsession of the mind requires a complete transformation.

Now that you know more about addiction, you may be more willing to throw yourself into recovery. You do not have to continue putting yourself in destructive situations for your addiction. If you’re able to see yourself in the jaywalker, it may be time for you to take action. Throw yourself into recovery – the consequences of continuing addiction can be devastating.

Let us show you the solution to your drug and alcohol addiction through the evidence-based treatments we will extend to you. Offering a full range of recovery and mental health services, Valiant Living offers “Expanded Recovery” to enrich our clients’ lives in mind, body, and spirit. Call us today for more information: 303-536-5463

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