Will I Ever Break Free from Shame?

Healing from Shame

After having a time of suffering from addiction to drugs and alcohol, shame will no doubt take over your whole being. Shame is often accompanied by guilt due to the regret of the past, impulsive choices, and harming essential relationships. Your shame may have so much power over you that you may not see any way you can break away from the disgrace you feel in sobriety. The good news is that you can free yourself of the shame as you continue to go along in your recovery. All you need to do is take hold of the recovery tools that can help undermine the deception of your shame.

Identify What Makes You Feel Shameful

Although you may have tried to suppress your past to cope, internalizing the shame can break you down. Through identifying abuse, trauma, oversights, and anguish, you can see what is causing you the most shame and where to start eliminating it.   

Alleviate What Makes You Feel Shameful

Changing the past is not an option, but doing what you can right now will make a difference in your future. You need to consider your current feelings to appease the shame. Feelings are not facts, even though they can deceive you into thinking they are real. Take ownership of your feelings of guilt in therapy and in a 12-Step program to gain support from others. You will be able to implement tools such as meditation, journaling, and service to help take the power out of your shame.

Accept What Makes You Feel Shameful

Shame commonly makes people feel like what happened to them is their fault. Everyone makes mistakes, although you should not take on the circumstances that you had no control over. Trauma and abuse can disparage your worth, and you should attempt to release the shame caused by a direct result of these harms. Acceptance means that you are moving on with an effort to lessen your guilt as you go.  

There is no reason for you to feel alone, rejected, or afraid because of your shame. You got here in this very moment in your recovery for a reason, which shows that you are stronger or more courageous than you may realize. Shame does not need to have a hold on you any longer. You deserve to be happy, joyous, and free. Let go of the guilt and honor who you are right now.

The Detox Center of Colorado offers comprehensive detox and transitional services that utilize evidence-based therapy as a solution to resolve the issues, such as shame, brought about by the insidiousness of addiction. Our staff understands that recovery is not easy. We look at the whole person through their mental, physical, and spiritual aspects to understand the specific treatment that each client needs to succeed in their personal recovery. We offer a full range of recovery and mental health services to restore our clients to full health and experience life-changing healing. Call us today to get started: (303) 952-5035.


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