I Feel Unmotivated in My Recovery. What Do I Do?

There may come a time in your recovery when you feel like it’s Groundhog Day. You are doing the same thing day in and day out, which can get you to a point of feeling completely unmotivated to do anything at all. The people you are hanging out with may start to get on your nerves, and the meetings you normally attend may not give you the same drive. What you need to know is that doing the same thing may not serve you the same way after a time, even though you despise change.

The best thing you can do is change up your recovery program a bit. Getting a new perspective on the solution you are seeking can also exhibit unexpected growth. Recovery is meant to take turns and corners that can help you to continue learning about your addiction for your lifetime. Addiction is not curable which means that you had better discover everything you can for your best results in relapse prevention. Changing a few things could be the very thing to get you on fire again to participate in your recovery. 

Adjust your meetings 

Sometimes when you go to the same meetings and listen to the same people sharing the same things, you might need a break. A new perspective could be valuable to your program when it starts to feel stagnate. You do not have to stay away forever unless you have found that you are growing more somewhere else. Taking a break could make you more grateful for what you have instead of thinking the grass is greener on the other side. You will never really know unless you venture out when the time is right. 

Adjust your attitude 

Other times, your attitude may be holding you back in your recovery program. Try to change all the negative feelings you have into ones of gratitude. Start a practice of doing a daily gratitude list or texting your list to a gratitude buddy. Thank your Higher Power as soon as something remarkable happens in your life that you were not expecting. The point is to start looking for the things that bring you joy instead of worrying about the things you cannot change. Altering your attitude with gratitude can give you the positive outlook you have been searching for.

Adjust your literature

When is the last time you sat down and read some recovery literature? You know, the pages you were eyeing when you first got sober that helped you understand your addiction. Get back to basics and keep studying as much as you can about how to continuously treat your addiction. You will never graduate from your addiction because there is still no cure. In fact, your.  addiction is biding time, waiting for a weak moment to get you right back under its spell. Learning about addiction equips you to know what your triggers and cravings are to stop you before your addiction leads you to an unwanted relapse.

Adjust your relationships

You definitely need people in your life to support you and encourage you, although you really need to take a look at the relationships you are harboring in your life. Toxic and draining relationships should be avoided to give you a chance at staying sober. If resentments are the number one offender, then you need to sidestep the relationships that bring you down because eventually, they will also bring down your recovery. You deserve to have nothing less than healthy and thriving relationships, but remember, they take work on everyone’s part. Stick to people who are trying to better themselves just like you are and you cannot go wrong.

Adjust your purpose

Your whole life has been trying to figure out what you were meant for. Even if you have been successful at a career or in raising children, recovery can offer you more than you have ever dreamed of. Being of service to others is something that is indescribable in terms of the natural high you get from your loving acts of kindness. You were meant to help those who do not know how to help themselves, just like someone once did for you. Now that you have hopefully figured out your worth, you can help somebody else find theirs. Even though you may not think you are capable, you are. Take what you have learned and pass that on to the next person who is looking for some hope that they, too, can stay sober. Eventually, you will see what your mark in recovery will be, because your purpose will be found by what you lend out to others. 

Motivation can be hard to come by, but recovery is different. Do the next indicated step or follow others in recovery in their next indicated step to find a whole new mindset in recovery. From time to time, you may need to alter your program so you can continue to exhibit worthwhile growth in your recovery. 

Offering a full range of recovery and mental health services, Detox Center of Colorado offers “Expanded Recovery” to enrich our clients’ lives in mind, body, and spirit. Through evidence-based therapy options and the endless adventure of Colorado, Detox Center of Colorado fosters connection, encouraging clients to get connected to themselves, their peers, their families, and their higher power. With the power of recovery, clients are restored to full health and experience life-changing healing. Call us today for more information: 303-536-5463

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