How Do I Find My Sober Tribe?

Find My Sober Tribe

Loneliness tends to become a regular part of addiction. Rather than cultivate new relationships or nurture old ones, you may find yourself pursuing a relationship with drugs and alcohol. The addictive nature of drugs and alcohol strips you of your desire to connect with others. When you finally sober up, it is no wonder that making recovery friends can be intimidating, to say the least.

Never fear the connection of recovery. Coming together as a way to stay sober will bond you to fellow recovering addicts as nothing else can. The only problem is you have no idea how to find recovery friends or where to even start looking. Before you give up your search, stick around to find the people you share camaraderie with, and build your sober tribe.

Find Friends Who Influence You.

You will no doubt adopt the same concepts with the people you choose to spend your time with, so why would you not want to hang out with others who are sober? Your peers will influence you in some way, and if you choose a tribe that will be a good influence on your recovery, you will benefit. You found your sponsor because they had what you wanted in terms of spirituality, recovery, and unity. The same consideration should be taken with your recovery friends. Look for those who will be a blessing to your sobriety and will positively influence you.

Find Friends Who Honor Your Opinion.

Having people around who acknowledge your opinions with compassion and perception will be a significant blessing. Instead of tearing you down because you disagree, a friend will understand your heart and know who you are even on the worst days. Sometimes, agreeing to disagree will be the best way to be true to your beliefs while allowing others to stay true to themselves. You should be around people who reasonably feel the way you do. Otherwise, you may feel insecure about the way they think about you or get resentful.

Find Friends Who Show Up.

An essential aspect of a friend, especially in recovery, is to show up when you need them. Real friends will still show up during a weak moment, not to save you, but to comfort and encourage you. Recovery friends will know what you are going through. They will want to assist you in changing your outlook from an addicted perspective to an attitude of recovery. Friends in recovery should not cosign lousy behavior but identify it and encourage change. With friends who show up, you will have a fantastic support system during the bad times and the good.

Find Friends Who Keep You Accountable.

Meetings, step work, and fellowshipping are a vital part of your program, but there will be days you will not want to do them. Having friends remind you why these are important to your recovery can keep you compelled to carry on regardless of how your addiction is trying to take you down. Friends will keep pushing your accountability because they care about your recovery. You drank and used no matter what, and now you have to practice the principles of sobriety no matter what. There will be tough days where you wish that you did not have to suit up and show up. Knowing that you have a sober tribe cheering you on, you will be more inclined to stay on the path to recovery.

Find Friends Who Share Your Morals.

Drinking and using can crack your moral compass faster than anything. The activities that you put yourself through to keep your addiction active required you to regularly compromise your core values. You probably still have residual shame and guilt, and so do your recovery friends. The friends who are making the necessary changes and trying to live an honest life will have a profound effect on your recovery if you follow their lead.

Find Friends Who Make You Happy.

The key to happiness is to be around people who make you laugh and make your soul smile. Friends that make life a pleasure can be the most motivating part of your sober tribe. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Recovery can be strenuous at times, but finding joy throughout the process can inspire you to keep coming back. Being able to laugh at the past and look forward to the future is what fun friends can help you attain.

Recovery is not a solitary process. Before you decide that you do not need any more friends, allow yourself to become open-minded. Expand your horizons with meaningful friendships, so you do not have to stand still with fair-weathered friends. You are who you surround yourself with. Choose to be in healthy and loving friendships to match the work you do in your recovery. Your vibe will attract your tribe.

Valiant Living wants to be a part of your sober tribe by being instrumental in your cessation of drugs and alcohol. Offering a full range of recovery and mental health services, we offer “Expanded Recovery” to enrich our clients’ lives in mind, body, and spirit. With the power of recovery, clients are restored to full health and experience life-changing healing. Let us be a part of your journey by calling us today: 303-536-5463

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