The Labor Day Weekend You Will Want to Strive for in Recovery

The Labor Day Weekend You Will Want to Strive for in Recovery

Three day weekends can be a stressful time for someone who is trying to stay sober. People typically use drugs and alcohol to commence a celebration, relieve stress, or minimize boredom as it sets in when they have too much time on their hands during an extended weekend. However, sobriety can be a ton of fun if you allow yourself to be open to the possibility of doing things that do not revolve around using substances any longer.

Work Your Program

Make sure that you are remaining spiritually fit in your program by doing your morning routine or attending a daily meeting. Whatever helps you stay in the realm of your recovery should be the number one priority. That way, when you go out and do something, you are ready to take on people, places, and things with vigor and kindness.

You will feel better, which in turn can make you behave better. The best way to start your whole day is by using your program to set the standard of how you desire your day to progress.

Find a Local Event

You will be pleasantly surprised to find a myriad of events to attend locally during holiday weekends, by referencing your city’s website. There may be 5Ks, farmer’s markets, car shows, art shows, parades, or a local fair to commemorate the day.

Plus, whatever is native to your area—beaches, food competitions, fireworks shows—can make the day fun and exciting to celebrate what makes your city great. You can feel closer to people and the heritage of your locality through appreciating where you live.

Try Something New

As someone in recovery, you may be afraid. Trying something new may be totally out of the question for you. However, if you were to try something new, you might actually find something that you never knew you enjoyed. Obviously, you do not have to go out and skydive as your “something new,” but taking baby steps into a new dimension of life can be a distraction from your addiction and a stride into your recovery.

You probably have no idea what you like to do without alcohol or drugs in the mix, so trying something new can give you clarity and possibly a newfound passion.

Host a Sober Event

Taking event planning into your own hands ensures that drugs and alcohol do not have to be part of the equation on Labor Day weekend. You can plan a backyard barbeque with outdoor games such as Cornhole or Horseshoes. Take your party to the park and have everyone bring their favorite picnic dish.

Everyone can sit around on blankets and enjoy the scenery. Plan a weekend away for a few friends or your family to get out of the house for a fresh perspective. You can also plan on having dinner away and trying cuisine that you never knew existed or thought you would enjoy.

The point of hosting a sober event is to gain assurance that you can have fun anywhere without drugs and alcohol when you are with the right people, the right scene, and delicious food.

Volunteer in Your Community

Depending on where you live, there are always community needs that need to be met. You can make a difference working at a soup kitchen, delivering meals to senior citizens, or even sharing your experience, strength, and hope with others in recovery. Using your time to give back to others will just make them feel better while also making you feel even better in the process.

Giving back what was so freely given to you can feel incredible and show you how far you have come in your recovery. You may not think you have anything to give, but your time and effort will go a long way in making someone else’s day that much better.

Attempt a Physical Challenge

Recovery is all about connecting your spirit, mind, and body, so use Labor Day weekend to combine all three. Take a hike in nature. Participate in a half marathon. Go for a walk with a friend. Attend a weekend exercise boot camp. Check into a weekend yoga retreat. You can do anything your body is capable of doing by just getting started.

Once you get moving, you will need your mind to keep pushing you and your spirit to give you direction. Find a physical challenge that you have wanted to do and invite a friend to go with you for accountability. You will be pleased with your achievement and can be inspired to challenge yourself physically more frequently.

Labor Day weekend is just another checkmark to add to your repertoire of holidays you stayed sober through. Of course, your recovery must remain a one-day-at-a-time process, but the more holidays you stay sober, the more confidence you will gain to get through others.

Each day you stay sober gives you practice for another new day on the horizon. You can do anything sober. You just have to keep going to know that you do not have to drink or use in order to have fun. Labor Day is all about celebrating those who work hard, and so this year, you can honor the work you have done on yourself in recovery.

You know firsthand how difficult working your program can be. Keep going so you can continue reaping the rewards of what recovery is all about.

If you, or someone you know, is struggling with addiction, The Detox Center of Colorado can show you a way to begin the process of recovery. Offering a full range of rehabilitation and mental health services, The Detox Center of Colorado Living offers “Expanded Recovery” to enrich our clients’ lives in mind, body, and spirit. With the power of recovery, clients are restored to full health and experience life-changing healing. Call us today to get started at (303) 536-5463.


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