Top 5 Things People Get Wrong About Addiction

Understanding what happens during addiction

Misconceptions happen all the time regarding addiction. The truth is that addiction is often misunderstood because anyone who is not addicted to drugs and alcohol cannot understand what happens mentally and physically with someone who is. Addiction triggers an allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind as soon as substances enter the body. Once the phenomenon of craving has developed, the likelihood of stopping until someone has blacked out or passed out is nil. 

Without having the relevant awareness about what addiction does to a person, confusion will ensue, and people will continue to believe the wrong information. For recovery to occur, having the correct knowledge to combat addiction will help get a person the help they need.

Hitting Bottom Has to Happen First

The ultimate bottom is death, and no one needs to get that low, although unfortunately, some will. Planting the seeds of recovery can happen at any time to give a person who needs to get sober this fantastic opportunity. They do not have to wait until something terrible happens, even though most do.

Will Power Is Enough to Stop

If someone could “just stop,” they might be more successful in their life. The problem with this theory is that most people cannot stop drinking and using without getting help first. The effects produced by drugs and alcohol are incredibly alluring, and willpower often does not stand a chance against addiction. 

Punishment Will Get Anyone Sober

People who drink and use addictively already feel like they punish themselves when they withdraw, isolate, or self-injure themselves. They do not consider the consequences they will face because they stay numb from drugs and alcohol. Some people will get scared straight, and others will continue to pile on the ramifications without regard to what they are doing to themselves or their loved ones. 

Rehab Alone Will Solve Addiction

Going to a rehabilitation facility is a beautiful step in the right direction. Someone who goes to rehab must understand that recovery continues beyond the facility. The tools you are equipped with must be put towards ongoing relapse prevention, not just during the first 90 days. 

Getting Sober for Other People Will Work

The only person that getting sober will work for is the individual attempting sobriety. Trying to get sober for their mother, their child, or a significant other is not likely to work long-term. To stay sober, a person must want their sobriety for themselves, or they may lose interest in what they are doing for someone else. While initially getting sober for another may give them motivation, the desire must come from within.

Before jumping to false conclusions about what addiction entails, gaining accurate insight is vital. The appropriate perception can be life-changing and life-saving for anyone seeking the solution to drug and alcohol addiction.  

Help is around when someone is ready to achieve cessation from drugs and alcohol. The Detox Center of Colorado’s goal is to create a bridge to move clients toward longer-term healing and wholeness on their unique recovery journey. If you or a loved one struggles with chemical addictions and co-occurring disorders such as anxiety, depression, and trauma, we offer comprehensive and personalized treatment to enrich our clients’ lives.. With the power of recovery, clients are restored to full health and experience life-changing healing. Call us today for more information: (303) 952-5035.


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