Why Documenting Your Recovery Process Can Give You Strength

documenting your recovery

Some who have beaten their addiction to drugs and alcohol maintain that they would like to forget most of what they went through. The drive to focus on their new lives and the future is understandable; however, it is also important to remember some of the details of darker days during the recovery process to stay motivated. When they document their journey of becoming sober, they give themselves a record for reference when needed.

Make a Record of Excuses Not To Enter Recovery

If a person struggles to enter treatment and address their addiction, they often hide behind a list of reasons not to take action. This is the perfect time to write down or take a video of themselves discussing their reasons, such as doubts about their ability to recover or thoughts that this just is not the right time to start.

Let that list or video sit overnight or a few days, then tackle it with an open mind. Take note of excuses that do not “hold water” and challenge them. When old excuses come to mind again, they can remind themselves of why these are fear-based excuses and not legitimate reasons to stay rooted in addiction.

Document Life Inside Recovery

Once a person begins detoxification and treatment for their addiction, writing down or videoing their thoughts and feelings can help tremendously. This documentation serves as a reminder of their fears and how they conquered them. Sometimes, living a sober life means dealing with an issue or a challenge more than once. During times of doubt, looking back on their recovery process can help them formulate a plan to move forward.

If a person relapses, looking back on their old excuses and how they conquered them during sobriety can help give them the push to try again. No one has to remember all the bad times past; however, some reminders can help inspire and elevate a person to regain the ground they lost and accomplish even more.

Many people who go through recovery from addiction to alcohol and drugs want to get through their experience quickly and forget about it. Documenting the process of deciding to begin treatment and the steps taken can be helpful reminders of what they accomplished and how to continue progressing. The Detox Center of Colorado understands how to help our clients plan for each phase of recovery and combat reasons for relapse. We offer medical and therapeutic help in an intimate setting. Call us today at (303) 952-5035 to get the help you deserve. 

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