How to Cope With Depression in Addiction Recovery

Depression is more than just having a bad day. It drains your energy, makes you feel inadequate, withholds feelings of pleasure, and drives you into isolation. Each of these symptoms can be challenging on its own without the added pressure of maintaining sobriety in recovery.

However, there are ways to cope with depression while in recovery that will boost your overall mental health. Next time you find yourself struggling with depression in recovery, consider these tips to help you power through it.

Understanding Depression in Early Recovery

You are at your most vulnerable in early recovery. You have just gotten sober, but you do not necessarily have the tools needed to sustain your sobriety. Temptations are strong, and you are at a higher risk of relapse.

Depression can exacerbate cravings for drugs and alcohol and push you towards these unhealthy coping mechanisms. It is important to give yourself the time to learn proper tactics to overcome depression at any stage in recovery to maintain your sobriety and boost mental health.

What You Can Do

There are multiple things you can do to cope with depression in recovery. Consider these tips for helping you through a depression spell.

    • Lean on your support system. Your friends and family are there to help you, and they are the ones that will cheer you on in your darkest moments. Do not isolate yourself because you feel like a burden. Pick up the phone and lean on them for support.
    • Talk to your treatment team. Whether you are detoxing, at residential treatment, or in an outpatient setting, your treatment team is there to help you through any challenges you face in recovery. Be honest with what you are feeling, as this is the only way they can help you.
  • Practice self-care. Ensuring your body has the best chance at recovery will help you combat any symptoms of depression. Get on a regular sleep schedule, eat healthy meals, and take time for exercise. You should also take time to relax and practice awareness to bring your mind peace.
  • Set small, achievable goals. Seeing your progress over time can give you the boost you need to keep pushing forward. Setting realistic goals that are achievable in the short term is an excellent way to combat negative feelings and keep going in recovery.

Depression can be an obstacle to your recovery if you aren’t sure how to cope with it. Luckily, there are healthy ways to cope with depression symptoms that will boost your mental health and push you forward in recovery. At the Detox Center of Colorado, we understand that mental health and substance use often go hand in hand. For this reason, we tailor our treatments to address both issues as clients detox. Nestled in the mountains of Colorado, we provide a safe space for you to complete the first steps of recovery. Call us today at (303) 952-5035.

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