Why is Pain the Cornerstone of Growth in Recovery?

Why is Pain the Cornerstone of Growth in Recovery?

Rarely does someone get sober and begin their recovery on a winning streak. Most people who try to get sober have been pretty badly mangled by drugs and alcohol and have come to the point of losing important relationships, going to jail, becoming institutionalized, or worst-case scenario, dying. While these options may seem overly dramatic, […]

Do 12-Step Programs Really Fight Addiction?

Do 12-Step Programs Really Fight Addiction?

One of the main questions that are asked when it comes to 12-Step programs is whether or not they really work. 12-Step programs, which are meant to be anonymous often get a bad rap because of the people who have not stayed anonymous and have gone on to relapse which gives the impression that the […]

Why “Partying” Isn’t Really Partying Anymore

Why “Partying” Isn’t Really Partying Anymore

The phrase that is typically coined when a young person is drinking and using is “partying”. This term has been used for decades as adolescents who are underage find places, such as their houses when parents are out of town, to host their friends in hopes of trying not to get caught for drinking and […]

What to Expect When You are Sober and On Vacation

What to Expect When You are Sober and On Vacation

Going on vacation and not being able to drink or use is a real nightmare for someone who suffers from substance abuse. Although they may think that they will miss out on the fruity drinks at the swim up bar or other vacation attractions, playing the tape forward fails to compute in their brain.  Rather […]

Can I Go to a Baseball Game and Stay Sober?

Can I Go to a Baseball Game and Stay Sober?

One of the biggest sports during summertime is baseball. Whether you are attending little league games, high school games, minor or major games, people enjoy sitting in the stands rooting for their favorite team while cracking peanuts, munching on cracker jacks, eating a hotdog, and enjoying a frothy beer. Well, if you are sober, and […]

How Can I Receive Criticism Gracefully Now that I Am Sober?

How Can I Receive Criticism Gracefully Now that I Am Sober?

Addiction causes tons of conflict all the way around including having to walk around on eggshells with someone who is under the influence. Trying to set boundaries or give constructive criticism to someone who abuses drugs and alcohol can be tough, to say the least. A person who is suffering from substance abuse tends to […]

Do Meeting Makers Really Make It?

Do Meeting Makers Really Make It?

Those of us who attend 12-Step meetings have probably heard that “meeting makers make it,” but is that really true? Can you really stay sober by attending meetings? The answer to this question is not as cut and dry as you might think because everyone’s program has to be suited just for them. Even though […]

What Is My Inner Child and What Does It Have to Do With My Recovery?

What Is My Inner Child and What Does It Have to Do With My Recovery?

No one in their right mind ever decides that they wish to endure a substance use disorder (SUD) when they grow up. In fact, someone with a SUD has probably withstood some sort of trauma, loss, or abuse during their younger years which inevitably has played a part in the evolution of their addiction. The […]

What Does Our Staff Do in their Summer Free Time?

What Does Our Staff Do in their Summer Free Time?

Our staff spends quality time with our clients here at Valiant by trying to incorporate some enjoyment into our recovery activities. While sobriety must be a person in recovery’s number one priority, we also promote self-care and sober fun as a vital part of a healthy recovery lifestyle. In order to show how we practice […]

Why Should I Write a Gratitude List?

Why Should I Write a Gratitude List?

One of the suggestions that you may hear while attending a 12-Step meeting is to write a gratitude list every day. The reason why this recommendation works is that you can find a new appreciation for the things that you usually may take for granted. Drugs and alcohol are poison to the heart and the […]

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