5 Ways to Overcome Loneliness in Addiction Recovery

5 Ways to Overcome Loneliness in Addiction Recovery

Loneliness is not healthy for anyone and it is especially unhealthy for people in recovery. Feeling lonely can lead to depression and anxiety. It can make you feel like it doesn’t really matter if you stay sober or not. You may feel bored. Worst of all, loneliness is often connected to a deep need that’s […]

4 Ways to Fight the Stigma of Addiction

4 Ways to Fight the Stigma of Addiction

Although addiction is seen more and more as condition requiring treatment rather than a personal failing deserving of punishment, there is still a long way to go. More than 40 percent of Americans still believe addiction comes from weakness or a lack of willpower. Even people who think of addiction as a disease are wary […]

6 Warning Signs that College Drinking Has Gotten Out of Control

Drinking has become more or less accepted as part of college culture. Many students are away from home for the first time in their lives and they want to take full advantage of their new freedom. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that about 60 percent of full-time college students drank alcohol […]

How Fear of Missing Out Can Make Recovery Harder

Most people are afflicted to some degree by the fear of missing out, or FOMO. It’s the nagging feeling that no matter how much you enjoy life right now, you could be doing something even better. FOMO leads to indecision and chronic dissatisfaction. When you have to make a choice, sometimes the difficulty is not […]

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