Deconstructing Stereotypes About Addiction

Why Being Sober Doesn’t Have to be Scary on Halloween

People who live with an addiction to drugs or alcohol know firsthand what their experiences are like. Each person is unique with their own story to tell about how they got where they are while struggling to achieve and maintain recovery. However, encountering stereotypes that many people believe about addiction can complicate their journey through […]

How to Stay Sober During Painful Anniversaries


Staying focused on recovery from drugs and alcohol requires a person to utilize the ability to say “no” to temptation. Often, that temptation comes in the form of someone offering a substance to another. It also can result from cravings coming from old habits. A specific set of triggers can also come from painful anniversaries […]

What To Expect When Detoxing


Going to a detoxification program for the first time can be an unsettling idea. Fear of the unknown can cause many people to back out of their decision to seek treatment. However, there are some basic tenets to a good detox program. Knowing them can help someone suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol prepare […]

Pandemic Drinking Causes Alarming Rise in Liver Disease


The pandemic has brought about a lot of dangerous health problems for millions of people. Besides the high number of individuals who have contracted and succumbed to the coronavirus, another health crisis has popped up. The Kaiser Family Foundation reported a rather shocking statistic related to alcoholism. Their study showed an increase in liver disease […]

Do You Live With the “What If” Monster?


Do You Live With the “What If” Monster? Monsters are common in the imagination of a child believing there is a scary creature under their bed or closet. A flick of the light switch and the comforting voice of a parent can disprove the monster’s existence. Other monsters extend their reign of terror in movies […]

Preparing for the Storm


Recently the state of Texas experienced an unusual winter storm that impacted a considerable amount of its residents. High snowfall rates and ice caused power outages for millions of people, many of whom went several days with no heat, lights, or ways to cook. While everyone cannot adequately prepare for such a situation, some burdens […]

When Saying “No” Is a Positive Thing

saying no

“Just Say No” was a hallmark anti-drug campaign conceived during the Reagan administration, encouraging children tempted by illegal narcotics to “just say no.” While some dismissed this approach’s simplicity regarding the complex nature of potential drug abuse, it can apply in many other areas of concern. Saying “no” can have power when applied to multiple […]

Why Documenting Your Recovery Process Can Give You Strength

documenting your recovery

Some who have beaten their addiction to drugs and alcohol maintain that they would like to forget most of what they went through. The drive to focus on their new lives and the future is understandable; however, it is also important to remember some of the details of darker days during the recovery process to […]

Playing Dress-up for Adults

dress-up as an adult

Kids love to play dress-up by donning old clothing from family members or innovative costumes purchased from toy and clothing stores. Did you know that adults can play dress-up, too? Not in the physical sense, but as a therapeutic exercise for learning who they are and who they want to be. The Psychology of Dress-up for […]

What Happens After I Go to Detox?

after detox

Many people struggling with an addiction to alcohol or drugs have some idea of what happens when they go to a detoxification treatment facility. Ridding the body of toxins accumulated from long periods of alcohol and drug abuse helps a person’s body rebuild into a healthy version. Detoxification also allows for a person to develop […]

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