Addiction Isn’t a Choice, But Recovery Is


Coming to terms with the fact that the use of drugs and alcohol has turned into an addiction means accepting that you are no longer in control of it. Unfortunately, once you have fallen into the darkness of addiction, the power to choose may be removed completely and only the choice of recovery can bring you the light back into your life. 

Recovery is a choice. Recovery is a choice that needs to be made in order to achieve the long-term benefits of a life free from drugs and alcohol. Recovery is a way of life that is attainable and requires that certain parts of your life need to change in order to achieve recovery’s many gifts. Recovery is a daily choice that can bring you a newfound life of freedom and joy that your addiction was never able to succeed in doing. 

Despite the Stigmas Addiction is a Chronic Disease

The first thing you need to do is let go of all the stigmas that permeate society’s view of substance abuse and addiction. Most of the ideas widely held can be harmful to the addiction healing process. It may be valuable to understand what is being said and to know that not everything you hear is the truth.

Many believe that addiction is a chronic disease, like asthma, clinical depression, or Crohn’s disease. Since it is a chronic disease, regular treatment is required for effective results. You would never hear a doctor tell you to figure out how to treat asthma or Crohn’s disease on your own. Getting professional help is just as important when treating addiction as it is with treating asthma because of the risks involved and the importance of receiving ongoing care. 

Just Like Treatment For a Disease, Substance Abuse Treatment Takes Work

Once you or your loved one has sought out a program that works for them, some think that the end is near. While the abuse of the substances will be arrested, the treatment for addiction is an ongoing process that requires the care and attention of a supportive network of individuals and peers that can guide you along the way. Just like when you have diabetes and you have to monitor your blood sugar levels every day and keep an eye on your diet, with an addiction you have to assess yourself every day to ensure that you are making decisions in your life that support your recovery so that you don’t risk returning to negative behaviors. 

Daily decisions need to be made to make sure you are living the life you want in your recovery. These decisions can be difficult because they may include removing the people, places, and things that would be detrimental to your recovery. Your newfound recovery lifestyle may cause you to replace past negative habits and associations with healthier behaviors and people that support your recovery process and who align with your recovery goals. 

Choosing Recovery Means Choosing a Brighter Future

Recovery is a choice you make to live a healthier and happier life free from using drugs and alcohol. When you choose recovery, you are choosing yourself. When you make this choice, you may find that your entire life is filled with more freedom and joy. 


One of the best choices you can make, whether it’s your first time seeking treatment or you’ve made a mistake and need to go to detox again, is to seek out professional help. Getting into the right treatment program for you can be a challenge, but the Detox Center of Colorado is ready to help. We have personalized treatment plans built with evidence-based therapies to encourage our clients to reach a higher level of recovery and healing. Our beautiful location and facility just outside of Denver, provide the space for you to find the life of recovery you want and can choose for yourself. The peace and tranquil environment enhance the healing process. Having compassionate care and attention and the opportunity to reconnect with yourself, your peers, and your family, can make the decision to choose recovery over addiction much easier. Give us a call at the Detox Center of Colorado to learn more about what we can do for you at (303) 952-5035.

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