Tag Archives: recovery

Why Recovery Is a Lifelong Pursuit

Addiction recovery is a long journey that will require consistent energy, motivation, and encouragement. There is no end to recovery, nor does a cure exist. Therefore, it is imperative to continually work towards your recovery every day of your life. Many may find this exhausting, but taking care of your health and pushing for a […]

Fighting the Stigma Surrounding Addiction

Thousands of individuals across the United States struggle with addiction every year. Yet even with such prevalence, many people still face negative stigma from individuals who do not understand the disease of addiction. Stigma can worsen addiction as individuals that are already struggling believe the negative stereotypes thrown at them. As a society, we have […]

Characteristics to Consider in a Detox Center

illustration of checklist

It is vital to your recovery path to find the right detox center for you. There are thousands of places to choose from when you want to recover from substance use. However, choosing the one that aligns with your goals and relates to your situation will better benefit your recovery goals. Learn more about what […]

Are Withdrawal Symptoms All the Same?


The experiences associated with substance use and withdrawal are usually unpleasant. If you develop a physical and emotional dependency on substances, you are likely to have withdrawal when the substances are cut back or removed. However, withdrawal symptoms can vary from person to person.  You also need to consider other factors, depending on the type […]

Eliminating Drugs From Your Atmosphere

woman walking down street from the back and stretching

It takes time for a substance to leave your body. This requires a change to your atmosphere when implementing new perspectives of healthier living. Detox centers are great places to eliminate drugs from your body because they provide professional and medical support and monitoring. However, detox is not just about eliminating the drugs from your […]

The Role of Detox in the Recovery Process

AI (Artificial Intelligence) concept. Deep learning. Mindfulness. Psychology.

There is a small percentage of individuals who seek professional treatment and detox. Rather than choosing to self-treat or detox yourself, detoxing in a professional setting can successfully change the outcome of the process. It is vital to understand the importance and role of detox within a professional environment and on your road to recovery. […]

5 Concrete Ways to Help Someone You Love Who Struggles With Addiction

man waiting for the subway train

When someone you love suffers from addiction to drugs or alcohol, you might be unsure how to help them. At The Detox Center of Colorado, we have five concrete ways to make a difference in the life of someone you love who deserves support and recovery. Whether they are still in the grips of addiction […]

How To Perform An Intervention On Yourself

chairs placed in a circle for therapy

When you picture an intervention done on someone who suffers from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you probably envision a group of people involved. Typically, an intervention does constitute concerned family members and friends confronting a loved one. However, for some people, this scene does not come to fruition. Reasons Your Loved Ones May […]

Playing Dress-up for Adults

dress-up as an adult

Kids love to play dress-up by donning old clothing from family members or innovative costumes purchased from toy and clothing stores. Did you know that adults can play dress-up, too? Not in the physical sense, but as a therapeutic exercise for learning who they are and who they want to be. The Psychology of Dress-up for […]

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