Tag Archives: Addiction Recovery Program

Residential Treatment In A Post-COVID-19 World

comprehensive detox treatment

Many Residential Treatment Programs Are Reopening After Adjusting for COVID-19 When COVID-19 first caused society to close down, many people mourned the loss of shopping and dining out. However, a more severe problem concerned those suffering from the disease of addiction: searching for an in-person treatment program. Several residential programs were unsure how to become […]

How Does Meditation Help Addiction?


In terms of addiction recovery, meditation is often referred to as mindfulness. This state of self-awareness is beneficial to individuals in any addiction recovery program. People who meditate can often exercise greater control over thoughts and emotions and might be more equipped to monitor their thought processes. Self-awareness plays a key role in cutting through […]

Giving Yourself Permission to Accept Yourself


When we’re impacted by addiction, it’s easy to feel ashamed of our actions and their impact on others. Everywhere we turn, it’s as though we’re faced with a reminder of the person we would rather not be, rather than the person we’re trying to become. It can be challenging to see beyond where we’re at […]

Making Friends After Rehab

Friends hanging out at home

Understanding the changes that need to take place in sobriety is essential to recovery. One of those changes is who you choose to spend your time with. When you were active in your addiction, the friends you hung around with probably drank and used as heavily as you did. You and your drinking and using […]

What Are the Common Fears Surrounding Rehab?

Fears Surrounding Rehab

Someone who desperately needs to receive treatment from drugs and alcohol may put up a fight or refuse to go simply because of fear. They may have devised up some misgivings about what attending a rehabilitation center will be like based on what they believe will happen – not on the reality of what actually […]

Step Ten – Taking Personal Inventory

Man Smiling Outdoor

Making your way through the 12-Steps means you have admitted you are powerless. You have developed a relationship with a Higher Power, found your part, and admitted it. Your support system has helped you accept your character defects. With your sponsor’s help, you have made a list of people you have harmed and tried to […]

Can I Get Sober for My Kids?

Can I Get Sober for My Kids?

You have been trying to get sober and nothing has worked. Now you are under the assumption that if you use your kids as a motive to get sober, you will not fail. After all, you are finally realizing your children are innocent bystanders that have been caught in the crossfire of your addiction. Taking […]

Does Accountability Even Work?

Does Accountability Even Work?

One of the concepts of recovery comes from the accountability that is suggested to keep you on track in your sobriety. Without accountability, you may find that your obsessive state of mind could lead you back to the drink or the drug that you have fought so hard to stop consuming. Accountability comes in a […]

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