Tag Archives: healthy living

Esteemable Acts: Self-Care

Once you get into recovery, you may realize that you have to relearn how to implement healthy practices into your life once again such as self-care. People who find themselves with an addiction often do not take care of themselves at all while they are in drinking and using. They would rather maintain their high […]

Will Recovery Suggestions Really Save My Life?

Will Recovery Suggestions Really Save My Life?

A mainstay of recovery is being willing to take suggestions and put them into action. The only problem with this process is that most people do not like to be told what to do. Someone in recovery, however, needs to go to any lengths to stay sober which entails taking suggestions to do so. Taking […]

Getting Sober at the New Year Not Only Sets A Pace for a Better Year – It Sets the Tone For a New Life

Getting Sober at the New Year Not Only Sets A Pace for a Better Year - It Sets the Tone For a New Life

Each year people set New Year’s resolutions in hopes of finally conquering the one thing that has been the bane of their existence. Losing weight, eating healthy, saving money, or changing something within their self-care regiment tends to be the most common resolutions people have each year. The New Year is a great time to […]

4 Ways Spending Time in Nature Strengthens Your Recovery

4 Ways Spending Time in Nature Strengthens Your Recovery

Spending more time in nature is good for you, especially if you’re recovering from addiction or mental illness. Whether you just take a daily walk in the park or go camping for two weeks in Yosemite, science keeps discovering new ways that nature is good for your physical and mental health. Here are some of […]

6 Ways Your Life Improves When You Quit Drinking Alcohol

6 Ways Your Life Improves When You Quit Drinking Alcohol

We live in a drinking culture. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health from 2015 found that about 56 percent of Americans drank alcohol in the past month and nearly 27 percent of Americans reported binge drinking in the past month, with binge drinking defined as four servings at a time for women and […]

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