Tag Archives: treatment

When Should I Consider Rehab?

Individuals that struggle with addiction often wonder if their situation is “bad enough” for treatment. They put off going to treatment because they believe they must wait to hit rock bottom to seek help. However, there is no definitive answer as to what rock bottom means, and early intervention is the best way to ensure […]

Why Is Detoxing Important in Addiction Recovery?

Deciding to seek treatment for addiction is a significant step forwards on the road to recovery. Detox is the first stage in your journey, and while it can be intimidating, it is absolutely crucial to your recovery. Without this initial step, you will not be able to make it through treatment successfully. By understanding the […]

Why Documenting Your Recovery Process Can Give You Strength

documenting your recovery

Some who have beaten their addiction to drugs and alcohol maintain that they would like to forget most of what they went through. The drive to focus on their new lives and the future is understandable; however, it is also important to remember some of the details of darker days during the recovery process to […]

Oregon Decriminalizes Drug Use, Offers Treatment Over Prison Time


A new law in Oregon now decriminalizes possession of illegal narcotics, including cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin, and oxycodone. Janie Gullickson, executive director of the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, worked towards the passage of the innovative piece of legislation called Measure 110. The law went into effect on February 8, with a complete rollout […]

Out of Recovery and Back Into Parenting


After you have completed intensive rehabilitation and are back at home, you’ll have an aftercare plan in hand and will want to resume your relationship with your children once again. However, for those of us whose access to our children has been temporarily removed due to addiction-related custody issues, our situation may be a little […]

What is Radical Acceptance?

What is Radical Acceptance?

A term that is often used in recovery is acceptance. Describing acceptance means that you cannot achieve true peace of mind until you recognize that everything is precisely the way it is supposed to be. Trying to control everything around you to make you feel better only makes things more difficult. Acceptance should be your […]

How to Return to Work After Rehab

How to Return to Work After Rehab

Now that you made it to rehab, congratulations on making the most of your time for your recovery! You might have arrived here through a court-order, family intervention, or prompted by your employer to attend treatment because your drinking or drug use was out of control. Especially if you were found under the influence of […]

Am I Depressed or Do I Have Major Depressive Disorder?

Am I Depressed or Do I Have Major Depressive Disorder?

Due to the recent state of the nation, more Americans than ever are suffering from anxiety. Riots, politics, the economy, and a global pandemic certainly make fear rise and make people feel sad and hopeless. A recent poll given by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) stated that, “More than one-third of Americans (36%) say coronavirus […]

Why Is Being Anonymous in Recovery So Important?

Why Is Being Anonymous in Recovery So Important?

12-Step programs have been deemed anonymous since 1935. Have you ever wondered why anonymity is such an essential aspect of recovery? People tend to be more open about their recovery, including telling people that they are a member of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), or by sharing about it on social media. These […]

Tips to Turn Over a New Leaf

Tips to Turn Over a New Leaf

The only thing you have to change when you get sober is everything. For some, this may seem impossible, but you can take this opportunity and make the most of what can happen with a little bit of willingness. Transformation in sobriety is not always easy, although it will be rewarding if you give yourself […]

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