Tag Archives: higher power

Step Five: Becoming Rigorously Honest


Steps One through Four are definitely rigorous, but for these steps to continue to bless your life, you must become rigorously honest in Step Five before moving on. The 12-Steps are in order for a reason. The first steps build the foundation of your recovery and the Fifth Step begins the process to make it […]

Tips to Practice Faith Over Fear

Tips to Practice Faith Over Fear

One of the most prevalent emotions that are felt by someone who has battled drug and alcohol addiction is fear. The range of fear is huge because the origin can stem from trauma, abuse, phobias, or feelings that originated in everyday scenarios. Once fear sets in, you may find yourself experiencing physical, mental, and spiritual […]

How Do I Know If I Have Had A Spiritual Experience?

spiritual experience

If you have ever attended a 12-Step meeting, you may hear the words “Higher Power” or “spiritual experience” and wonder what the big deal is. Listening to others talk about these things may cause you to experience confusion, worry, or inhibition. You may be unsure whether you even have a Higher Power or if a […]

Step Three – Turning Your Will Over

As you start moving through your steps, you will get a clearer understanding that you are powerless over alcohol and begin to see you need a spiritual connection to remain sober. After this revelation, you will find yourself embarking on Step 3. This vital step can lead you in a better direction altogether because you […]

Tips to Align with Your Higher Power

Talking about connecting to a Higher Power is a hard conversation for some to be a part of. Whether your religious affiliation has left a bad taste in your mouth, you have only encountered hypocritical religious people, or you just have never been introduced to spirituality before, you should still try to see what happens. […]

Step Two: Restored to Sanity

One of the most misunderstood steps within the 12-Steps is Step 2, which states, “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity”.  Once you’ve decided that you’re powerless over substances and your life has become unmanageable, being restored to sanity is the next item on the to-do list. This […]

6 Ways to Connect to Your Higher Power 

6 Ways to Connect to Your Higher Power 

One of the parts of recovery that turns some people off is the concept of finding a Higher Power. Whether you have had a negative religious experience in your past, or you are just unaware of how spirituality works, understanding the method of getting connected to your Higher is an important tool to add to […]

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