Tag Archives: Substance Use

Experiential Therapy for Addiction Recovery

When it comes to healing from addiction, there are numerous treatment modalities used to help clients address the underlying issues of their disorder. One such approach to treatment is experiential therapy, which allows more creative outlets for clients to heal. Because experiential therapy is not necessarily clinical, some individuals have trouble understanding how it works […]

Why the Mountains Are a Perfect Place to Detox

Bear Lake Trailhead, Estes Park, United States

The shelter of the mountains is the perfect place to take the first step toward giving yourself a better life: detox. With the calming mountain air and the compassionate team from Detox Center of Colorado, you will find the process easier to transition through. You deserve to have a safe and comfortable environment to detox […]

The Effects of Substances on Your Body: What They Really Do

Illuminated scan of human body part made of data and particles

The number of people struggling with substance abuse remains at an all-time high, as does the number of overdoses. With many facilities available for treatment and detox, you might question what actual effects substances have on your body. However, the effect of substances on your body is not an easily answered question.  Due to the […]

Can You Die From Withdrawal?

Illuminated scan of human body part made of data and particles

Addiction has significant power over your body and your brain, altering you physically and psychologically. Going through the detox or withdrawal process can be frightening for many of these same reasons. There are some cases where it is possible to produce life-threatening symptoms, but can you die from them? As you are seeking recovery, it […]

Demi Lovato: One Year Later

Demi Lovato: One Year Later

Being a celebrity must be difficult at times especially to have everything in their lives posted all over the tabloids and the media. Good or bad, The Paparazzi seems to intrude into their way of life, especially when it comes to something like an addiction. Last year, Demi Lovato had a less than stellar month […]

My Brother Has a Problem with Drugs, But I Do Not Want to Violate His Trust. How Can I Still Help Him?

My Brother Has a Problem with Drugs, but I Do Not Want to Violate His Trust. How Can I Still Help Him?

A substance abuse disorder is a horrendous condition that gets someone to lie, cheat, and steal to gain drugs and alcohol. Substance abuse is a progressive disorder that provokes a person’s tolerance to keep them dangerously wanting more and more. If your brother falls into this category, wanting to help him at any cost could […]

Why “Partying” Isn’t Really Partying Anymore

Why “Partying” Isn’t Really Partying Anymore

The phrase that is typically coined when a young person is drinking and using is “partying”. This term has been used for decades as adolescents who are underage find places, such as their houses when parents are out of town, to host their friends in hopes of trying not to get caught for drinking and […]

How Do You Know if You’re Helping or Enabling?

How Do You Know if You’re Helping or Enabling?

No one wants to see a friend or family member suffer. It’s natural to want to help. Unfortunately, helping doesn’t always help. Sometimes helping just allows your loved one to feed her addiction. When someone becomes addicted, the addiction becomes her top priority. She will do whatever is necessary to satisfy it. She may become […]

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