Category Archives: Alternative Therapy

Tips to Align with Your Higher Power

Talking about connecting to a Higher Power is a hard conversation for some to be a part of. Whether your religious affiliation has left a bad taste in your mouth, you have only encountered hypocritical religious people, or you just have never been introduced to spirituality before, you should still try to see what happens. […]

How Do I Achieve Mindfulness in My Recovery?

How Do I Achieve Mindfulness in My Recovery?

One of the methods that helps someone to stay sober is to find the peace that they have been searching for. Turning to drugs and alcohol is often a way that people try to find solace from the pressures they feel in their life. What happens to someone who suffers from an addiction, is the […]

6 Ways to Connect to Your Higher Power 

6 Ways to Connect to Your Higher Power 

One of the parts of recovery that turns some people off is the concept of finding a Higher Power. Whether you have had a negative religious experience in your past, or you are just unaware of how spirituality works, understanding the method of getting connected to your Higher is an important tool to add to […]

Why Choose a Holistic Approach to Recovery?

Why Choose a Holistic Approach to Recovery?

In recent years, psychotherapeutic interventions have begun to favor cognitive approaches to healing because of their ability to prove useful under the scrutiny of empirical studies. While this has been very exciting, conversely, it can also lead to an approach towards addiction treatment where deeper wounds can often be unattended to in favor of strategies […]

6 Reasons to Make Journaling Part of Your Recovery

6 Reasons to Make Journaling Part of Your Recovery

Journaling is a common practice among people recovering from addiction. Journaling is simple. You only need a notebook and a pen to get started. Despite its simplicity–or perhaps because of it–journaling is one of the most powerful ways to improve your mental health. It’s best to write every day at a regular time. It doesn’t […]

7 Reasons Gardening is a Great Recovery Activity

7 Reasons Gardening is a Great Recovery Activity

Part of a strong recovery is finding engaging new activities to give yourself a sense of direction and keep from getting bored. Learning new skills is good for your self-confidence and helps connect you to other people with similar interests. Gardening can be an especially good activity for people recovering from addiction. Here’s why. It […]

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