Tag Archives: withdrawal

Understanding Heroin Withdrawal

The detox process is the first step in addiction recovery, but it can be intimidating and challenging. This is especially true if you are not sure what to expect, so it is best to educate yourself on the process and duration before entering detox if possible. Heroin detox specifically can be challenging because of the […]

Are Withdrawal Symptoms All the Same?


The experiences associated with substance use and withdrawal are usually unpleasant. If you develop a physical and emotional dependency on substances, you are likely to have withdrawal when the substances are cut back or removed. However, withdrawal symptoms can vary from person to person.  You also need to consider other factors, depending on the type […]

After Addiction: Three Key Changes Following Detox


The abuse of alcohol and drugs claims thousands of lives every year. The decision to enter a detox program may save your life. This is something that most of us know. However, we may not know how our brain changes when we are no longer engaging in substance abuse. We’ve all heard about detox diets, […]

What Is the Importance of Detoxing From an Addiction?

What Is the Importance of Detoxing From an Addiction?

For many people who are suffering from addiction to drugs and alcohol, detoxing seems like the end game. If this is your outlook on concluding your drinking and drug-using career, what you need to know is cessation is just the beginning of living a sober life beyond your wildest dreams — you just need to […]

Marijuana Withdrawal: Real or Fake News

Marijuana Withdrawal: Real or Fake News

One of the most misunderstood drugs of today is marijuana. With the legalization and the evolution of cannabis, people still tend to think of it as an organic, non-threatening drug used for medicinal purposes on one hand. On the other hand, they think of stoners having a good old time not harming anyone or anything […]

What is Kratom?

What is Kratom?

Although Kratom is not a new drug exploding onto the scene, it is a drug that has become more abused in recent years. Kratom is derived from the leaves of a tropical evergreen tree, Mitragyna Speciosa, in Southeast Asia which have opioid properties and some stimulant-like effects. The herbal substance has been used medicinally in […]

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