Tag Archives: Emotions

Ways You Can Support Your Loved One in Their Recovery

Ways You Can Support Your Loved One in Their Recovery

Drugs and alcohol poison the mind of a person who is addicted to them. The powerful obsession of addiction will start to feed lies through the brain and make someone believe that they are not worthy and that no one cares about their situation. When the belief begins to occur, the person with the addiction […]

What is Radical Acceptance?

What is Radical Acceptance?

A term that is often used in recovery is acceptance. Describing acceptance means that you cannot achieve true peace of mind until you recognize that everything is precisely the way it is supposed to be. Trying to control everything around you to make you feel better only makes things more difficult. Acceptance should be your […]

Why Am I Afraid to Be Healthy?

Why Am I Afraid to Be Healthy?

Fear comes in many different forms that can each keep a person from becoming healthy. When the word “healthy” is used, people usually think it means to be physically fit, but what about mental health? Self-care does not necessarily mean only taking care of the outside of a person with a pedicure or working out, […]

How to Return to Work After Rehab

How to Return to Work After Rehab

Now that you made it to rehab, congratulations on making the most of your time for your recovery! You might have arrived here through a court-order, family intervention, or prompted by your employer to attend treatment because your drinking or drug use was out of control. Especially if you were found under the influence of […]

What Is the Journey From the Head to the Heart?

What Is the Journey From the Head to the Heart?

Someone new in recovery may believe that they already know everything they need to. Accepting help from others may be a foreign concept that can be off-putting to a person who has lived on self-will in their addiction. Changing the mindset of an individual who has suffered under the influence can take some time and […]

How to Let Go of Fear

How to Let Go of Fear

With all of the recent events surrounding political, civil, and pandemic issues, fear is one of the most predominant emotions of today. With no real clarity with the state of the nation, people are creating chaos in their minds, causing them to act out in different ways. Anger, sadness, protestation, and uncertainty can wreak havoc […]

How Can I Have Heart in Recovery?

How Can I Have Heart in Recovery?

People in recovery have their own language, which has been coined the “Language of the Heart”. Ironically, those who have made their way into the rooms of recovery are there because they were searching for love and acceptance in the bottom of a bottle, or through the use of mind-altering drugs. Many of them have […]

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