Tag Archives: depression

The Benefits of Nature in Recovery

Experiencing nature can help you connect your inner being with your surroundings, yielding noticeable improvements to your overall health. Experiencing nature leads to positive physical benefits like lower blood pressure. It can also provide many mental health benefits like increased prosocial behaviors. Being outside in nature can help with addiction recovery as well. By understanding […]

How to Cope With Depression in Addiction Recovery

Depression is more than just having a bad day. It drains your energy, makes you feel inadequate, withholds feelings of pleasure, and drives you into isolation. Each of these symptoms can be challenging on its own without the added pressure of maintaining sobriety in recovery. However, there are ways to cope with depression while in […]

Am I Depressed or Do I Have Major Depressive Disorder?

Am I Depressed or Do I Have Major Depressive Disorder?

Due to the recent state of the nation, more Americans than ever are suffering from anxiety. Riots, politics, the economy, and a global pandemic certainly make fear rise and make people feel sad and hopeless. A recent poll given by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) stated that, “More than one-third of Americans (36%) say coronavirus […]

Do I Need Anger Management?

Do I Need Anger Management?

Times may occur when you find your anger getting out of control with no resolution to stop. Addiction, along with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues can cause you to become violent or overly angry. Patterns in your behavior can begin to indicate that you not only suffer when you drink and use, but […]

What You Should Know About SAD

What You Should Know About SAD

The colder months of the year are thought to be the ones to bring about depression in some people. With the sun coming out less and the skies appearing gloomy, you may find yourself unmotivated and your body may fall out of sync due to the loss of natural sunlight. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is […]

What You Need to Know about Mushrooms

What You Need to Know about Mushrooms

One of the recent trends that have become prevalent again is the use of mushrooms. Not the kind of mushrooms that you sauté up into a delicious meal. The kind of mushrooms that are psychedelic in nature to make a person “trip”. Mushrooms of this variety have gone in and out of popularity due to […]

The Best Way to Ease Depression for Those with Multiple Sclerosis

The Best Way to Ease Depression for Those with Multiple Sclerosis

Dealing with the symptoms of multiple sclerosis means the nerve damage you experience can affect the transmission of signals that affect mood, drugs used to treat MS can come with the side effect of depression, and living with a chronic illness, in general, can bring out anxiety and stress. According to Multiple Sclerosis International, people […]

Depression After Drinking

Depression After Drinking

People decide to drink alcohol because they will feel like it is an escape to the pain they are feeling. They self-medicate all of these strong feelings and still wonder why it is they still feel lousy. It is important to know the truth about how alcohol can make you feel worse than you did […]

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