The Effects of Substances on Your Body: What They Really Do

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The number of people struggling with substance abuse remains at an all-time high, as does the number of overdoses. With many facilities available for treatment and detox, you might question what actual effects substances have on your body. However, the effect of substances on your body is not an easily answered question. 

Due to the number of different types of substances and their properties, the effects have different roles and rates. The vital element to focus on with substance use is how it affects your lifestyle and your body. More importantly, understanding what potential causes and effects they can have on your life is a step on the path to finding the means for recovery.

A Vicious Cycle of Effects

Substances change the way you function physically and psychologically. Even if the substances seem harmless, the effects of the psychological and physical elements can cause internal and external damage. Similar to anything else that is overused, substance abuse can have vastly negative effects on your physical and mental health. Seeking treatment can prevent higher risks or potential dangers.

To begin with, understanding how substances function over years of use can give you more of an idea about the drastic effects that they can have on your body and mental health. These substances are chemical compounds that impact cognitive reasoning and bodily functions.

The release of the chemicals creates a vicious cycle that can lead to addiction. Over time, you can become tolerant to substances. The more you choose to use them, the more you reinforce the cycle. However, substance use is not always a waiting game. Addictive substances can have long-term effects without you even being aware of them, even during the early phases of use.

Body Parts Affected by Substances

Numerous substances utilize different chemical compounds that break down at varying rates within your body. There are different factors and characteristics for each substance, and it is vital to understand the effects they have.

Substances affect various parts of your body that can include:

The Brain: When substances are introduced into your brain, they trigger a response. If you continue to use those substances regularly, your brain builds a tolerance to the response. This can then influence you to use higher amounts in order to get the same effect.  When you stop using a substance, you may experience neurological problems like memory loss, impaired judgment, or difficulty learning. In the worst cases, there are risks for developing dementia and decreased brain cell regeneration.

The Lungs: Most people think your lungs become damaged usually by smoking or from other respiratory damage. However, substances can also cause respiratory diseases and infections. When you inhale substances, you are decreasing the amount of oxygen that enters your body and lowering the amount of oxygen going towards your brain. Some concerns that are caused by this include respiratory diseases and permanent brain damage.

The Heart: Thanks to the constant beating of your heart, your entire body is able to function. Your heart pumps blood to every inch of your body. Substances that enter your heart and reduce the capabilities of your cardiovascular system can lead to potential heart attacks or increased heart rates. These substances may also cause bacterial infections, cardiac arrests, strokes, and collapsed veins.

Additional Effects: While the brain, the lungs, and the heart are the most commonly affected parts of your body, other areas of your body can also be affected. These can include your muscles, bones, kidneys, liver, and your skin. Substances affect both internal and external components of your body. 

This damage happens because your body is not receiving the normal amount of nutrition required to survive. You may notice that some substances cause tissue decay, rotten teeth, bad breath, skin damage, increased temperature, decreased liver function, dehydration, muscle breakdown, and more. The extreme lack of nutrition that addictive substances cause can do significant damage to your health in various ways.

Overcome the Effects of Substances on Your Body With Detox

Understanding the significance of the effects that substances have on your body is important because it allows you to address the ways they could put your life at risk. You deserve to live a healthy, happy life. Substance use is not worth putting your life at risk, and you deserve to heal. If you are looking for a way to heal and have a healthy, happy life, talk to a compassionate specialist.

Getting help may seem scary at first. You may even notice that your body goes through withdrawal or reacts in a way that does not seem quite right. However, this is simply because your brain has gotten used to the substance. This is a normal part of the recovery process. 

When you choose to change your life and go through detox, you may experience different symptoms while removing the toxins from your body. However, during the detox process, there are professional staff members who can help monitor your health and keep you stable and balanced.

The process of detox includes the initial removal of toxins from your body, better preparing you for the next stages of your recovery journey. With compassionate and professional care that you can take advantage of, you can regain the life you deserve. At Detox Center of Colorado, you can reach the level of mental, physical, and emotional well-being that you need in order to recover successfully. When you choose to have a professional by your side, coping with uncomfortable feelings is easier. You get to detox with someone who understands your situation. It’s time that you take your life back and experience it the way it was meant to be: with a purpose. Don’t wait for the substances to harm your body. Seek professional help today with a compassionate and caring team to help you detox in a controlled and comfortable environment. For more information, reach out to us today at (303) 952-5035.

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