Tag Archives: Codependency

Codependency Within the Family Unit

When a family member struggles with addiction, it is a natural response to want to help them. Well-intentioned as they may be, family members offering support can unknowingly create codependent relationships that ultimately hamstring the recovery journey of their loved one. Concerned family members may enable their loved one without realizing it, allowing for the […]

From Codependency to Self-Sufficiency

From Codependency to Self-Sufficiency

The word codependency is thrown around quite a bit in the recovery world. Drugs and alcohol cause codependent behaviors for both the person who is suffering from addiction and the people who are affected by it. The problem of being influenced by codependency is that you may not even comprehend what being codependent means or […]

How Do You Know if You’re in a Codependent Relationship?

How Do You Know if You’re in a Codependent Relationship?

Children of parents with substance use disorders are often anxious, unsure what kind of mood their parents might be in, whether they might be happy, angry, or indifferent. Children in this position often adapt by being extra helpful to try to win the kindness, attention, or approval of her parents.  This tendency, learned early on, […]

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