Monthly Archives: November 2020

Shut Up and Talk! The Power of Rebranding Negative Scripts

self care

You might have voices of doubt telling you that change is not possible. In the past, it may have had you convinced you were not capable of amounting to anything, and that no one in your family amounted to much. Those messages, instilled in you from the time you were born, contributed to how you […]

Difficulty Sleeping During Early Recovery


A common challenge people face when starting recovery is adopting healthy sleeping habits. Getting into good sleeping habits can help stabilize mood swings, and is part of the process of bringing structure to your everyday life. There are a lot of ways to achieve better sleep so don’t be discouraged if you try something and […]

How an Appropriate Wrap-Around Support Network Helps with Substance Abuse Recovery


Our social network determines not only our outlook in life but also our outcomes. Think about two or three of your closest friends or acquaintances; chances are, you will be similar to them in how you view the world, how you view yourselves, maybe even the type of language you use.  Taking the first step […]

How Mantras Can Help Your Recovery


One of the greatest mindfulness-based practices that you can use in your recovery as you rediscover who you are without your addiction is meditation. Meditation allows you to clear your mind and take a step back from the negative thoughts that can distract you from recovery. A tool that can help in the beginning phases […]

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