Tag Archives: Addict

How Do I Help an Addicted Loved One Who Doesn’t Want My Help?

How Do I Help an Addicted Loved One Who Doesn’t Want My Help?

Walking on eggshells can become the norm when you are around a loved one who has become addicted to drugs and alcohol. You know that they need help, or they could be put in jail, committed to an institution, or worse, die from the insidiousness caused by their drinking and using. Since you are so […]

How Can We Change the Voice of Recovery?

How Can We Change the Voice of Recovery?

People drinking alcoholically and abusing drugs often pose the image of a homeless person roaming with a shopping cart full of their possessions wearing tattered gray clothing. They are drinking booze out of a brown bag or passed out on the side of the street nodding out of a drug-induced haze. Addiction is something that […]

8 Things You Should Never Say to Someone Struggling with Addiction

8 Things You Should Never Say to Someone Struggling with Addiction

It’s terribly frustrating having a loved one with a substance use disorder. Their behavior seems to make no sense. It may feel like all you can do is watch while your loved one’s life slowly falls apart. Their behavior may be directly hurting you as well, causing additional pain and frustration. You want to help […]

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