Tag Archives: Drug Use

What Do My Drinking and Using Dreams Even Mean?

What Do My Drinking and Using Dreams Even Mean?

Once you got sober, you may have started remembering your dreams more vividly. Waking up after falling asleep naturally, rather than passing out, could make it easier for you to recall something in your dreams that could be really amazing such as flying, or something really awful like drinking and using again. Thankfully when you […]

Will I Always Be Drowning in My Self-Pity?

Will I Always Be Drowning in My Self-Pity?

Once someone gets sober, they can be really down on themselves for all the poor decisions that they made when they were drinking and using. Financial, legal, relational, and medical issues can all arise from the abuse of drugs and alcohol and cause the feeling of complete defeat. When these situations ensue, drugs and alcohol […]

8 Things You Should Never Say to Someone Struggling with Addiction

8 Things You Should Never Say to Someone Struggling with Addiction

It’s terribly frustrating having a loved one with a substance use disorder. Their behavior seems to make no sense. It may feel like all you can do is watch while your loved one’s life slowly falls apart. Their behavior may be directly hurting you as well, causing additional pain and frustration. You want to help […]

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