Tag Archives: Growth

How to Not Become a Martyr of Your Recovery

How to Not Become a Martyr of Your Recovery

People who get sober often feel like they have to or else. They feel as though they have been harshly punished by police officers, interventionalists, their boss, or their family. Their mentality may be that they were thrown under the bus when in reality what they needed was to be thrown on the bus in […]

Why is Pain the Cornerstone of Growth in Recovery?

Why is Pain the Cornerstone of Growth in Recovery?

Rarely does someone get sober and begin their recovery on a winning streak. Most people who try to get sober have been pretty badly mangled by drugs and alcohol and have come to the point of losing important relationships, going to jail, becoming institutionalized, or worst-case scenario, dying. While these options may seem overly dramatic, […]

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