Why Independence Day Means That Much More in Recovery

Why Independence Day Means That Much More in Recovery

Freedom is the theme in July. Starting with July 4th celebrations, the momentum continues as people display American flags, host barbeques on the weekends, and bask in the summertime freedoms. Being an American should be celebrated because we are privileged to live in the land of the free.

Another freedom that can be appreciated is gaining independence from drugs and alcohol. When these substances get a hold of someone, sometimes getting free from them is rather difficult to achieve. Cessation from drugs and alcohol is something that will garner confidence, self-esteem, and more liberty in recovery that makes Independence Day signify even more.

The Freedom Can Be Taken Away

Although our American liberty is included as part of our democracy, alcohol and drug addiction can wipe away your freedoms if untreated. There is no cure for addiction. As you work at staying sober, you will take pride in your sober independence instead of acting on relapse behaviors. Once you pick up these substances again, you will be headed back to the isolation and confinement that drugs and alcohol lead you into during your active addiction.

The Freedom Goes Deeper than Drugs and Alcohol

Working a program also gives you the ability to break the bondage of self. Drugs and alcohol
are just a symptom of deeper issues that are holding you back from doing more in your life. By not facing the problems that led you to use and drink, you could return to consuming them once again to cope with life. Recovery through the 12-Steps and therapy can help you to garner freedom by getting rid of the excess baggage of your past.

The Freedom Will Inspire You to Keep Going

You will want to keep going to preserve your sobriety once you have experienced the amazing freedom from drugs and alcohol. The freedoms attained on American soil should not be taken for granted, nor should your ability to stop drinking or using be assumed. Recovery takes work, but what you get out of your efforts can show how wonderful life can be without being under the influence of any mind-altering substances.

This year on Independence Day, do not forget to have an appreciation of being a part of this nation who fought hard to gain the freedoms we have today. While contemplating the gratitude of living in the United States, remember to acknowledge that freedom does not come without struggle. You fought hard for your sobriety, so be grateful that freedom exists from doing what is right.

Valiant Living wants to wish you a Happy sober July 4th this year! We are here to help you navigate through your personal Independence Day by giving you the solution to be free from drugs and alcohol ongoing. Offering a full range of recovery and mental health services, Valiant offers “Expanded Recovery” to enrich our clients’ lives in mind, body, and spirit. Call us today to start your road to freedom: 303-536-5463

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