Tag Archives: Commitment

Why Do Commitments Make a Difference in the Quality of Your Sobriety?

Why Do Commitments Make a Difference in the Quality of Your Sobriety?

Recovery programs thrive on the contributions of others who keep the meetings going. Without each other, there would be no real reason to come to meetings. Although, where two or more are gathered is considered a recovery meeting, the meetings where newcomers come for a solution require assistance to keep everyone coming back. Most meetings […]

Why is a Homegroup so Important?

Why is a Homegroup so Important?

Recovery offers you a few different tools to help keep you sober for the long haul. One of the immediate suggestions is to find a homegroup to attend regularly. A homegroup is a recovery meeting that you frequent to become part of a group. Sustaining friendships and taking commitments are the aim of the homegroup […]

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