Tag Archives: Recovery Process

Recovery Is Being in the Same Water, Not the Same Boat

Paddling alone in the lake

Everyone has heard the expression, “We are all in the same boat.” This expression applies to many situations and can take on new meaning when thought of as an analogy for recovery. However, in recovery, not everybody is in the same boat. Instead, think of recovery as a body of water. Everyone striving to achieve and […]

Step Two: Restored to Sanity

One of the most misunderstood steps within the 12-Steps is Step 2, which states, “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity”.  Once you’ve decided that you’re powerless over substances and your life has become unmanageable, being restored to sanity is the next item on the to-do list. This […]

Esteemable Acts: Self-Care

Once you get into recovery, you may realize that you have to relearn how to implement healthy practices into your life once again such as self-care. People who find themselves with an addiction often do not take care of themselves at all while they are in drinking and using. They would rather maintain their high […]

Will Road Rage Affect My Recovery?

Will Road Rage Affect My Recovery?

Someone cuts you off on the road and what do you do? Do you chase after them and proceed to get revenge by cutting them off? Do you flip them off or do you consider that they just might be having a bad day and write it off? Road rage is a serious problem that […]

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