Monthly Archives: August 2019

What You Need to Know About a BUI

What You Need to Know About a BUI

Summertime is the time that many people enjoy water sports that include the use of a boat. Water skiing, wakeboarding, and tubing are activities that take place in lakes, rivers, and oceans all over the country. Often boats are synonymous with drinking alcohol. Coolers are filled with alcoholic beverages to go hand and hand with […]

Why is Pain the Cornerstone of Growth in Recovery?

Why is Pain the Cornerstone of Growth in Recovery?

Rarely does someone get sober and begin their recovery on a winning streak. Most people who try to get sober have been pretty badly mangled by drugs and alcohol and have come to the point of losing important relationships, going to jail, becoming institutionalized, or worst-case scenario, dying. While these options may seem overly dramatic, […]

Do 12-Step Programs Really Fight Addiction?

Do 12-Step Programs Really Fight Addiction?

One of the main questions that are asked when it comes to 12-Step programs is whether or not they really work. 12-Step programs, which are meant to be anonymous often get a bad rap because of the people who have not stayed anonymous and have gone on to relapse which gives the impression that the […]

Why “Partying” Isn’t Really Partying Anymore

Why “Partying” Isn’t Really Partying Anymore

The phrase that is typically coined when a young person is drinking and using is “partying”. This term has been used for decades as adolescents who are underage find places, such as their houses when parents are out of town, to host their friends in hopes of trying not to get caught for drinking and […]

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