Author Archives: Drew Powell

6 Ways to Connect to Your Higher Power 

6 Ways to Connect to Your Higher Power 

One of the parts of recovery that turns some people off is the concept of finding a Higher Power. Whether you have had a negative religious experience in your past, or you are just unaware of how spirituality works, understanding the method of getting connected to your Higher is an important tool to add to […]

How 90 Days Could Be a Turning Point into a Relapse

How 90 Days Could Be a Turning Point into a Relapse

No one is trying to get sober because they have been on a winning streak. Typically, the reasons that a person decides to stop drinking and using is due to the loss of relationships, legal problems, financial problems, or health problems. These types of circumstances produce what is known as the gift of desperation which […]

Why Knowing the Problem Does Not Solve It

Why Knowing the Problem Does Not Solve It

Recovery is an action program that requires effort. The reality is once we conclude that we have a problem with drinking or using, this does not mean that we can just quit because we want to. If this were the case, we would have stopped long ago. People who get sober without any help are […]

Tips to Keep Going When Motivation is Lost in Recovery

Tips to Keep Going When Motivation is Lost in Recovery

Getting burnt out can happen pretty easily in all areas of life especially regarding your sobriety. Doing the same things routinely over and over can make people emotionally drained or mentally exhausted causing motivation to be lost in their recovery. With a few tweaks and some minor changes to your program, you can get motivated […]

How to Be of Service During Beach Clean-Up Week 

How to Be of Service During Beach Clean-Up Week 

Did you know that there are 370,000 miles of coastline worldwide? Or that 95,471 miles of coastline are on American soil? During the first week of July, beaches in the United States get over 2 million visits due to the July 4th holiday weekend which litters the beaches more than any other time of the […]

How Can We Change the Voice of Recovery?

How Can We Change the Voice of Recovery?

People drinking alcoholically and abusing drugs often pose the image of a homeless person roaming with a shopping cart full of their possessions wearing tattered gray clothing. They are drinking booze out of a brown bag or passed out on the side of the street nodding out of a drug-induced haze. Addiction is something that […]

Reasons Independence from Dependence Will Give You Freedom

Reasons Independence from Dependence Will Give You Freedom

July 4th is right around the corner and nothing is better than celebrating the nation’s independence into one of the most thriving countries in the world. The freedom that we get to enjoy is imparted by those who fought to give us the independence we have today. In the same sense, there are those who […]

The Best Way to Ease Depression for Those with Multiple Sclerosis

The Best Way to Ease Depression for Those with Multiple Sclerosis

Dealing with the symptoms of multiple sclerosis means the nerve damage you experience can affect the transmission of signals that affect mood, drugs used to treat MS can come with the side effect of depression, and living with a chronic illness, in general, can bring out anxiety and stress. According to Multiple Sclerosis International, people […]

Why Choose a Holistic Approach to Recovery?

Why Choose a Holistic Approach to Recovery?

In recent years, psychotherapeutic interventions have begun to favor cognitive approaches to healing because of their ability to prove useful under the scrutiny of empirical studies. While this has been very exciting, conversely, it can also lead to an approach towards addiction treatment where deeper wounds can often be unattended to in favor of strategies […]

Checking Into a Mental Care Facility

Checking Into a Mental Care Facility

You may see in the news how celebrities are checking into facilities for their mental health care like Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, and Britney Spears. Every mental health facility is different depending on what you need to be treated for as well as the intensity. By checking into a facility, you will get the proper […]

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