Category Archives: Addiction

5 Ways to Quit Your Sugar Addiction

5 Ways to Quit Your Sugar Addiction

It’s common for people in recovery to suddenly find themselves eating tons of sugar–doughnuts, soda, pastries, candy, you name it. Addiction transference is when you quit one addiction only to replace it with another. Sugary foods provoke a strong dopamine response, and people often subconsciously discover that something sweet helps take the edge off of […]

How Do You Know if You’re in a Codependent Relationship?

How Do You Know if You’re in a Codependent Relationship?

Children of parents with substance use disorders are often anxious, unsure what kind of mood their parents might be in, whether they might be happy, angry, or indifferent. Children in this position often adapt by being extra helpful to try to win the kindness, attention, or approval of her parents.  This tendency, learned early on, […]

How to Overcome Fear of Missing Out in Addiction Recovery

How to Overcome Fear of Missing Out in Addiction Recovery

Fear of missing out, or FOMO can be a challenge for people in addiction recovery, especially younger people. They often feel like the best thing in life is gone forever, like the good times will never be quite as good again. They see their peers drinking and having fun and feel like they can’t be […]

4 Ways to Fight the Stigma of Addiction

4 Ways to Fight the Stigma of Addiction

Although addiction is seen more and more as condition requiring treatment rather than a personal failing deserving of punishment, there is still a long way to go. More than 40 percent of Americans still believe addiction comes from weakness or a lack of willpower. Even people who think of addiction as a disease are wary […]

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