Tag Archives: relapse

Reasons You Continue to Relapse

Reasons You Continue to Relapse

Getting sober and staying sober can be a very difficult process to endure. There are many moving targets to hit in order to keep from relapsing because you may think you can stay sober on your own which is the most difficult way to achieve sobriety. Someone who is dealing with an addiction has an […]

What Do My Drinking and Using Dreams Even Mean?

What Do My Drinking and Using Dreams Even Mean?

Once you got sober, you may have started remembering your dreams more vividly. Waking up after falling asleep naturally, rather than passing out, could make it easier for you to recall something in your dreams that could be really amazing such as flying, or something really awful like drinking and using again. Thankfully when you […]

How 90 Days Could Be a Turning Point into a Relapse

How 90 Days Could Be a Turning Point into a Relapse

No one is trying to get sober because they have been on a winning streak. Typically, the reasons that a person decides to stop drinking and using is due to the loss of relationships, legal problems, financial problems, or health problems. These types of circumstances produce what is known as the gift of desperation which […]

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