Category Archives: Recovery

How Having a Pet Can Help When You’re in Recovery

how pets can support your recovery

If you ever had a beloved pet, you can point to the benefits of having pets in life. Whether you owned cats, dogs, fish, birds, reptiles, hamsters, or any other animals, you undoubtedly have fond memories of the pleasure they gave you. Some people do not know that pet ownership has benefits that can help […]

How Does Meditation Help Addiction?


In terms of addiction recovery, meditation is often referred to as mindfulness. This state of self-awareness is beneficial to individuals in any addiction recovery program. People who meditate can often exercise greater control over thoughts and emotions and might be more equipped to monitor their thought processes. Self-awareness plays a key role in cutting through […]

The Process of Learning New Habits


Breaking habits can be difficult. Breaking the habit of addiction can be even more challenging, especially when we approach addiction from a disease model rather than a series of poor choices leading to habits with unhealthy consequences. Arguably, the result or symptom of that disease is the presence of an overwhelming desire followed by an […]

All Stretched Out: Why Yoga Is Good for Addiction Recovery


Yoga may not be the first thing that springs to mind when you’re considering entering a detox and rehabilitation program. Yet, over the last decade, this restorative exercise technique, once the alternative therapy guru’s domain, has become more mainstream.   Although addiction requires lifelong management in much of the same way as mental health, when we […]

Being Mindful of Positive Thinking

Happy couple

Most people would agree that the way we think not only affects our behavior but also our efficiency in achieving goals. The less we believe in our capability to achieve what we set out to do, the greater the chance we have of throwing in the towel when we hit an obstacle or experience a […]

Three Simple Steps to Creating a Healthy Lifestyle During Recovery


After a successful detox and intensive rehabilitation program, many people return home only to deal with a tangle of family issues resulting from the addiction itself. Returning home and establishing new routines following rehabilitation can create challenges. These unanticipated stressors reinforce the importance of maintaining a schedule of support groups and individual therapy. Without this […]

Out of Recovery and Back Into Parenting


After you have completed intensive rehabilitation and are back at home, you’ll have an aftercare plan in hand and will want to resume your relationship with your children once again. However, for those of us whose access to our children has been temporarily removed due to addiction-related custody issues, our situation may be a little […]

Giving Yourself Permission to Accept Yourself


When we’re impacted by addiction, it’s easy to feel ashamed of our actions and their impact on others. Everywhere we turn, it’s as though we’re faced with a reminder of the person we would rather not be, rather than the person we’re trying to become. It can be challenging to see beyond where we’re at […]

Trauma Recovery: Why It’s Important

Trauma Talk

Working through addiction can be challenging. However, if some form of trauma lies beneath your addiction, recovery often presents additional challenges. In these instances, developing coping strategies to address trauma becomes as essential as dealing with the primary substance abuse issue. If trauma is the underlying cause, addressing your addiction while ignoring past trauma or […]

Individual vs. Group Therapy


When entering detox treatment, the recovery process should include counseling opportunities such as group and individual therapy. From a collaborative perspective, group therapy has the potential to connect people based on shared experiences. For this reason, group therapy can be a great way to discover answers to questions related to your recovery journey just from […]

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