Category Archives: Recovery

What Does Peer Advocacy Entail?

What Does Peer Advocacy Entail?

Going through life alone would be painful and isolating. When trying to stay sober, having like-minded people around to walk you through the tough times is imperative. The technical term is peer advocacy, which means having one-on-one support or support in a group by relating to similar experiences. People in recovery have successfully focused on […]

Ways You Can Support Your Loved One in Their Recovery

Ways You Can Support Your Loved One in Their Recovery

Drugs and alcohol poison the mind of a person who is addicted to them. The powerful obsession of addiction will start to feed lies through the brain and make someone believe that they are not worthy and that no one cares about their situation. When the belief begins to occur, the person with the addiction […]

Why Being of Service Can Change Your Life

Why Being of Service Can Change Your Life

Your philosophy of life may entail giving someone the shirt off your back when they are in need. That ideal is pretty common with most caring people. However, for someone who is suffering from addiction and offering the shirt off their back when they are actively using and drinking can be slightly skewed. The concept […]

Why Is Everyone Telling Me What to Do?

Why Is Everyone Telling Me What to Do?

Not too many people like to be told what to, plain and simple. Someone who struggles with addiction from drugs and alcohol will typically possess the characteristics of entitlement and rebellion because they honestly believe they know best. However, when they get knocked down enough to accept surrender, they may become more willing to hear […]

Why Am I Afraid to Be Healthy?

Why Am I Afraid to Be Healthy?

Fear comes in many different forms that can each keep a person from becoming healthy. When the word “healthy” is used, people usually think it means to be physically fit, but what about mental health? Self-care does not necessarily mean only taking care of the outside of a person with a pedicure or working out, […]

How to Return to Work After Rehab

How to Return to Work After Rehab

Now that you made it to rehab, congratulations on making the most of your time for your recovery! You might have arrived here through a court-order, family intervention, or prompted by your employer to attend treatment because your drinking or drug use was out of control. Especially if you were found under the influence of […]

The Labor Day Weekend You Will Want to Strive for in Recovery

The Labor Day Weekend You Will Want to Strive for in Recovery

Three day weekends can be a stressful time for someone who is trying to stay sober. People typically use drugs and alcohol to commence a celebration, relieve stress, or minimize boredom as it sets in when they have too much time on their hands during an extended weekend. However, sobriety can be a ton of […]

Will My Family Issues Ever Be Resolved?

Will My Family Issues Ever Be Resolved?

“Blood is thicker than water” is a phrase that implies that family is the most important bond that you can have here on Earth. In theory, that sounds like the perfect world. The truth is that family relationships can be tricky at times and hard to endure. Your deepest pain is probably rooted in the […]

Step Nine – Making Amends

Step Nine - Making Amends

The past is an integral part of your recovery because you need to remember what it was like before to keep you from going back. Being liberated from the past is essential to gain closure and move forward with your strength and hope. If the pain still hurts, this means that you have some work […]

Why Mindfulness and Meditation Will Work During COVID-19

Why Mindfulness and Meditation Will Work During COVID-19

2020 has been a year full of uncertainty, which has caused many people to feel more anxiety than ever. One great thing that the recovery world has to offer is the ability to take out our spiritual toolkit and start using the resources that we have strategically placed inside for times just like these. A […]

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