Category Archives: Addiction

How Bradley Cooper Became a Supporting Role in Recovery

How Bradley Cooper Became a Supporting Role in Recovery

To truly understand addiction, we have to comprehend that addiction can come for anyone at any time. No one is spared from developing an addiction unless they completely abstain from whatever they are becoming addicted to. Even some celebrities today are publicly sharing how they have battled addiction and are not afraid to share their […]

What Is the Importance of Detoxing From an Addiction?

What Is the Importance of Detoxing From an Addiction?

For many people who are suffering from addiction to drugs and alcohol, detoxing seems like the end game. If this is your outlook on concluding your drinking and drug-using career, what you need to know is cessation is just the beginning of living a sober life beyond your wildest dreams — you just need to […]

Why You Never Have to Feel This Way Again

Why You Never Have to Feel This Way Again

Plain and simple, drug and alcohol addiction is painful. Not only does the physical aspect make a person experience withdrawal and self-infliction, but mental and spiritual torture can become extremely difficult to manage. Someone who battles addiction will beat themselves up to the point of using and drinking until their bodies can no longer handle […]

How Do I Stop Disappointing Others Because of My Addiction?

How Do I Stop Disappointing Others Because of My Addiction?

If you are reading this and have battled addiction, there is no doubt that you have, at one time or another, felt like you were disappointing someone. Whether you did something inappropriate under the influence, committed a crime, or anything in between, human emotion will provoke disappointment from others based on your alcohol and drug […]

Step Three – Turning Your Will Over

As you start moving through your steps, you will get a clearer understanding that you are powerless over alcohol and begin to see you need a spiritual connection to remain sober. After this revelation, you will find yourself embarking on Step 3. This vital step can lead you in a better direction altogether because you […]

Why You Might Not Be So Lucky on St. Patrick’s Day if You Do Not Stay Sober 

Every year, people find themselves trying to stay sober, only to come into the month of March fearful of getting drunk or high on St. Patrick’s Day. The thrill of the parties and parades that take place on March 17th are phenomenal — except for people who are hard drinkers or suffer from addiction.  Trying […]

Guide to Staying Sober on St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is one of those holidays that are known for drinking and using in copious amounts for a grand old time partying. Green beer is served along with shots of Irish whiskey to make an event like St. Patrick’s Day go down as one of those holidays you will not remember. For those […]

Reasons to Keep Coming Back

As you close out a 12-Step meeting, you have probably heard the phrase, “Keep coming back” as an open-ended invitation to literally keep coming back to meetings. Recovery meetings are meant to bring those who are suffering from addiction together in unity. In meetings, you will relate to others who have experienced the same battle […]

Am I At Risk for MRSA With My Intravenous Drug Use?

Intravenous drug use provokes terrible conditions on a person’s body. Someone who shoots mind-altering drugs into their veins to gain the quickest high is putting themselves at risk for harmful physical infections which could turn into a chronic disease. Staph infections, abscesses, HIV, and Hepatitis C are just a few of the serious maladies that […]

Why Isolation Should Be Avoided in Recovery

People who use drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism often find themselves isolated from people who cannot or will not understand their addiction. Once they find their way in recovery from these mind-altering substances, isolation does not just automatically turn around. Actually, the opposite tends to happen and new changes in their life can […]

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