Category Archives: Q&A

What are the Benefits of Picking Up That 1000 Pound Phone?

What are the Benefits of Picking Up That 1000 Pound Phone?

The basis of the 12-Step program started with one alcoholic literally picking up the phone and calling another alcoholic to keep from drinking that day. Surprisingly this method worked and continued to work one day at a time for the person who decided to use the phone to reach out when they felt overwhelmed by […]

How Can I Receive Criticism Gracefully Now that I Am Sober?

How Can I Receive Criticism Gracefully Now that I Am Sober?

Addiction causes tons of conflict all the way around including having to walk around on eggshells with someone who is under the influence. Trying to set boundaries or give constructive criticism to someone who abuses drugs and alcohol can be tough, to say the least. A person who is suffering from substance abuse tends to […]

Do Meeting Makers Really Make It?

Do Meeting Makers Really Make It?

Those of us who attend 12-Step meetings have probably heard that “meeting makers make it,” but is that really true? Can you really stay sober by attending meetings? The answer to this question is not as cut and dry as you might think because everyone’s program has to be suited just for them. Even though […]

Why Should I Write a Gratitude List?

Why Should I Write a Gratitude List?

One of the suggestions that you may hear while attending a 12-Step meeting is to write a gratitude list every day. The reason why this recommendation works is that you can find a new appreciation for the things that you usually may take for granted. Drugs and alcohol are poison to the heart and the […]

How Can We Change the Voice of Recovery?

How Can We Change the Voice of Recovery?

People drinking alcoholically and abusing drugs often pose the image of a homeless person roaming with a shopping cart full of their possessions wearing tattered gray clothing. They are drinking booze out of a brown bag or passed out on the side of the street nodding out of a drug-induced haze. Addiction is something that […]

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