Category Archives: Q&A

Now that I am Sober, Can I Still Hang Out with A Drunk Friend?

After a period of sobriety, you may come to crossroads in recovery when it comes to hanging out with friends who still drink. You put together a dinner party with a few close friends and find that one of your friends that you know from recovery has come to the event high or drunk. You […]

What Does it Mean to “Spin-Dry” in One’s Recovery?

Someone who is addicted to drugs and alcohol is always trying to find ways to up the ante to make their high hit more effectively than the last one. What happens during drug and alcohol addiction is that an individual’s tolerance increases which also dangerously increases their consumption. Once the line is crossed into addiction, […]

Why Does My Past Keep Coming Up?

As you are trudging the road of happy destiny living the sober life, you get stopped in your tracks as you hear about your past mistakes out the mouth of another. Up until this point everyone has been so supportive and encouraging, but this person, who does not seem mad at you, is stating unflattering […]

It’s Valentine’s Day. Do I Still Have to Wait a Year for a Relationship?

Valentine’s Day is coming up, and having a significant other can suddenly become very important. The problem is that most people suggest that newly sober people wait at least a year to enter a relationship. Why – you ask? Well, there is evidence that people who get into relationships before they are emotionally ready can […]

How Do I Celebrate Valentine’s Day Sober?

One of the best ways to stay sober is trying to not drink and use through any holidays. That means for 365 days straight you would try to stop being under the influence of one holiday to next. Now that Valentine’s Day is so close, you may be terrified as to how in the world […]

Does Embracing Your Recovery Program Really Work?

Does Embracing Your Recovery Program Really Work?

When it comes to recovery, learning to embrace the program works better than trying to poke holes in doubt. You may find yourself having difficulty trying to live one day at a time and believing that this too shall pass. What you should know is that you are not the first one to be skeptical […]

Am I Standing in the Way of My Loved One’s Recovery?

Am I Standing in the Way of My Loved One’s Recovery?

Enabling is typically a factor in someone’s recovery which can come in many different forms. From the police officer who lets a driver under the influence go to the store clerk who sells someone who is clearly intoxicated more alcohol, enabling happens all the time. The family is known most commonly as the prime enablers […]

Why Can’t My Loved One Just Stop Using and Drinking?

Why Can’t My Loved One Just Stop Using and Drinking?

A frequent question that people who do not suffer from an addiction ponder is why someone who does battle addiction will not simply stop drinking and using cold turkey. The obviousness of their awful consequences does not register as to why they would continue to keep doing what they are doing when they keep getting […]

Will Recovery Suggestions Really Save My Life?

Will Recovery Suggestions Really Save My Life?

A mainstay of recovery is being willing to take suggestions and put them into action. The only problem with this process is that most people do not like to be told what to do. Someone in recovery, however, needs to go to any lengths to stay sober which entails taking suggestions to do so. Taking […]

How Do I Become Willing to Become Willing?

How Do I Become Willing to Become Willing?

Someone who gets sober has to find a way to become willing to conform to what recovery entails. When your consequences become too high and you get in enough pain to change, this will often give someone the desire to stop drinking and using in the short-term. What has to happen to put consecutive sober […]

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